Agnus Dei (in
three versions)
Choir, a cappella (4:35)
For TBB Men,
a cappella (4:35)
Women, a cappella (4:35) |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP0202)
Gladde Music Publications (GMP0101)
Gladde Music Publications (GMP0201) |
All Good Gifts
For SATB Choir and Piano (2:50) |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (#8813) |
All People That On
Earth Do Dwell
For SATB Choir and Keyboard
(Optional Brass Quartet and Timpani) (3:00)
a review in "The Diapason"! |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co.
Choral Score (#8955)
Conductor's Score/Instrumental Parts (#8955X) |
All Things Bright and Beautiful
For SATB Choir and Keyboard |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP9704) |
Alleluia (Transcription)
For SATB Choir, a cappella, (opt. String Bass) (3:50)
(Also with strings and winds) |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (#8858)
(String and wind parts available separately from
ECS Publishing) |
America, The Beautiful (with
"The Navy Hymn") (Arr.)
For SATB Choir and Keyboard
the Choral Journal review! |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP9602) |
My Love, My Fair One
For SSA Women and Piano
the Choral Journal review! |
Hinshaw Music, Inc. (HMC1847) |
Arise, Shine; For Thy Light Is Come
For SATB Choir and Organ
(Full orchestration available) |
Gladde Music Publications
Formerly Lawson-Gould Music Publishers (#52084)
Choral Score (GMP52084)
Orchestration (GMP52084)
- Rental |
Be Thou My Vision (Arr.)
For SATB Choir and Piano (2:40) |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP9703) |
Carol Of The Ladder
For SATB Choir, a cappella (2:15) |
Carl Fischer Inc. (CM8539) |
Christ, The Precious Living Stone
For SATB Choir, Organ, Brass Quartet,
Prayer Stones, and Congregation |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co.
Choral Score (#8835)
Brass Parts (#8835x) |
Christians, Join To Sing
For Two-Part Choir and Keyboard (2:05) |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP8101) |
For Rental Only
Feast Of Lights, The
A Christmas Observance for SATB Choir and Organ
(Full orchestration available)
( 55 minutes) |
Gladde Music Publications
Choral Score (GMP80A01)
- Rental
Orchestration (GMP80B01)
- Rental |
Gladde Things
For SATB Choir and Piano (1:50)
Brass Quintet, Timpani, Percussion) |
Gladde Music Publications
Choral Score (GMP9803)
Score/Instrumental Parts (GMP9803X) |
Good King Wenceslas (Arr.)
For SATB Choir and Keyboard (2:45)
(Optional Brass Quintet) |
Music Publications
Choral Score (GMP9806)
Conductor's Score/Brass Parts (GMP9806X)
Formerly Santa Barbara Music Publications (SBMP 357) |
Green Grow'th The Holly
For SATB Choir and Piano (2:30) |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP9901) |
Can I Keep From Singing?
For SATB Choir, *Children's
Choir, *Audience, and Organ (or
Piano) *(Optional) (6:30)
on  |
Gladde Music Publcations (#201401) |
How Majestic Is Your Name
For SATB Choir and Organ |
Gladde Music Publications
(GMP8301) |
I Will Sing Of My Redeemer
For SATB Choir and Piano |
Hinshaw Music, Inc. (HMC429) |
In The Shadow Of Thy Wings
For SATB Choir, Flute, and Organ |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP8004) |
Irish Blessing (Arr.)
For SATB Choir, a cappella (1:30) |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (#8907) |
Jesus Christ The Apple Tree (Arr.)
For SATB Choir and Keyboard |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP9101)
Formerly Augsburg (#11-10249) |
Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee
For SATB Choir, a cappella (Opt. Strings) (2:10) |
Gladde Music Publications
Choral Score (GMP80A03)
String Parts (GMP80B03) |
Little David, Play On Your Harp
(Arr.) - Spiritual
For SATB Choir, a cappella (2:30) |
Concordia Publishing House (#98-3645) |
Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming (Arr.)
For SATB Choir, French Horn, and Organ (3:45)
the Choral Journal review! |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (#8879) |
My Heart Leaps For Joy
For SATB Choir, Keyboard, Optional Brass Ensemble
(3 Tpts., 3 Horns, 3 Trbs.), and Bass |
Hinshaw Music, Inc.
Choral Score (HMC1045)
Brass Parts (HMC1045A) |
My Song Is Love Unknown
For SATB Choir and Piano (4:11) |
Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (#9031) |
New Kyrie, A
For SATB Choir and Piano |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP8901)
Formerly Augsburg (#11-10305) |
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
For SATB Choir and Piano (3:40) |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP0001) |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Arr.)
For SATB Choir, Organ, and Optional Cello (3:45)
the Creator review! |
Concordia Publishing House (#98-3644)
for Creator's Honored 10!  |
O Sacred River
For SATB Choir, French Horn, and Organ (4:00)
the Choral Journal review! |
Concordia Publishing House (#98-3567) |
Only A Manger
For SATB Choir,
Baritone Solo, and Piano (3:00) |
Hinshaw Music, Inc. (HMC1728) |
Song For Christmas Eve
For SATB Choir and Piano (3:40) |
Gladde Music Publications (GMP9701)
Formerly Augsburg (#11-10894) |
Song To The Lamb, A
For SATB Choir and Organ, (Opt. Strings) (5:35)
Version for String
Orchestra |
Gladde Music Publications
Choral Score (GMP8005)
Score/String Parts (GMP8005X) |