New Kyrie, A
For SATB Choir and Piano

Gladde Music Publications  (GMP8901)
Formerly Augsburg (#11-10305)

Historically, composers have set Kyries in minor keys and somber settings.  There is another perspective.... a plea for the "Lord's mercy" can be expressed by one who is confident of his salvation.  Such a plea seeks forgiveness with an awareness that grace is freely given to those who truly believe!  The result is joy, not fear and dread!  This anthem is energetic, bright, and hopeful.  You will love its bouyancy and optimism, based on a poem inspired by an unusual dream.





Korean Premiere!

Seoul (South Korea)
Hakwon Yoon, Director

(Translated into Korean by Hakwon)


~ Pages 5 and 6 excluded ~









Eastern European Premiere!
June/July, 1990

Leipzig (East Germany)
Budapest (Hungary)
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
Bratislava (Czechoslovakia)
Zagreb (Yugoslavia)
Vienna (Austria)