warhammer 40k abhumans

Today, Beastmen are the subject of severe Imperial persecution and are hunted down by the Adeptus Arbites.[3]. They often populate the underhive of Hive Worlds and are frequent bodyguards of Scavvies which are just poor hobos. Subcategories. Ogryn hail from high gravity worlds, where their large size is a major limiting factor (smaller creatures are much, much better at lifting more weight relative to their own, and everything is heavier on a high-gravity planet, including an organism's own body). Longshanks are adapted for very low or zero gravity, such as would be expected on a damaged voidship. In each episode we talk about a specific aspect of the universe, sharing known information followed by a discussion portion. These abhumans are extremely adapted for one specific world, which is how evolution works; one would expect the Dark Age of Technology to be capable of far more versatile adaptations. They are resolutely loyal to their immediate superior officer, but this also makes it extremely easy to turn them to serving Chaos, as they will perform any command given to them if their commanders are persuasive enough, though their childlike faith in the God Emperor makes outright corrupting them harder. Such mutants are often forced into criminality and soon become easy prey for those who would whisper the lies of the Ruinous Powers. May be an entire race of gingers if their name is any indication. After a bit of technical difficulty, Adam and Jason are back for another narrative episode. Similar to the Afriel Strains, Gland War Veterans were humans that underwent severe genetic tempering to effectively combat and out-adapt the Tyranids. Essentially, Ratlings are the Warhammer 40,000 equivalent of Warhammer Fantasy's halflings. Log in and join the community. It's not like that hasn't happened before. From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum Jump to: navigation , search Key - C =Characters, B =Battles, Tr =Troops, V =Vehicles, F =Fleet, Te =Technology, E =Equipment, W =Weapons, I =Images (C/B/Tr/V/F/Te/E/W/I) Today’s lecture, Loremasters, turns towards those classified by the Imperium as abhuman soldiers. These guys are so different from the mainstream human, that they are actually classified as another species of the Human genus, and not a human subspecies, hence their scientific name. Abhumans are human subspecies - descendants of humans who have physically evolved after long periods of isolation on worlds with various extreme environmental conditions. The most common strain of 'natural' abhumans are the Psykers. In appearance, the Longshanks are bald with very pronounced eyes and have unnaturally long legs, when compared with baseline humans. Many have served in the regiments of the Astra Militarum. Beastmen are no longer seen in Imperial service; no doubt elements of the Inquisition convinced the Administratum that they couldn't be so radically altered from normal humans without being tainted by Chaos. Navigators are a three-eyed, specialized group of psykers that helps guide Imperial Ships through the Warp (in fact, they were developed to enable Warp travel); although essentially vital for the Imperium's survival, some radical groups in the Imperium declare them to be heretical mutants. Of course we don’t even know if Astartes are genetically dissimilar from normal humans beyond the Progenoid adding and tweaking genes to allow for the other implants to be accepted. Such populations are considered mutants by many, for they may sport bulbous eyes adapted to the dimmest conditions, or they may in fact have only vestigial eyes and enhanced senses - such as Echolocation - that compensate for near or total blindness.[5]. Planetary Census (Abhumans), Inquisitor Resources: Inquisitor Rulebook, Part II, https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Abhuman&oldid=457234. Squats are short, stocky and tough abhumans.. Their average height was 1.4 metres. Whatever quirk of genetics gave rise to such mutants will have been exacerbated by generations of backbreaking labour, exposure to hazardous environments, and filthy living conditions. Abhumans and Mutants are the genetic deviations - both stable and unstable - from the "normal" Imperial citizen. They tend to be claustrophobic and thus are difficult to transport in Chimera APCs. They were led by Beastmen called packmasters. The term 'Gland War Veterans' is sometimes shortened to Glandies or Gland Warriors; they were made by the Mechanicus of the Biologis Magi in order to create a new human sub-species to effectively kill Tyranids without needing to waste more human lives. Beastmen are on their way to being declared mutants; as it is, the Adeptus Arbites has basically declared them an underclass, preventing them from traveling to most planets and excluding them from the Imperial Guard unless they're willing to be cannon fodder--something which many of them view as their chance to atone for the crime of being born as mutants. The Afriel Strain was a shadowy experimental process which used genetic material from a number of the Imperium's greatest heroes to, in effect, make clones of them. The status of the remaining 15 strains is an issue of constant debate within the Administratum's Tithes Chamber Notaries, sub. Seriously, they are so far from the norm that they barely register as human, let alone a separate genetic caste. Archived ... As I understand it abhumans are usually the products of human evolution during the the aftermath of the age of strife. The Abhumans called Squats (Homo sapiens rotundus) originated on high-gravity Mining Worlds close to the galactic core, making them short, muscular and tough. Despite this, the Afriel Strain project is still approved by the Imperium, by and large, and is still undergoing improvements to fix the...issue. Which technically makes those Black Templars renegade as abhumans are accepted by the Emperor himself and so declaring them mutants and killing them is to rebel against the word of the Emperor. As humanity had ready access to genetic engineering in that era, it can be difficult to distinguish natural evolution from artificial enhancement in many cases, as Games Workshop does not usually reveal the necessary details. The Militarum Auxilla is a specialist division of the Astra Militarum that contains most of the Abhuman units of the Imperial Guard. for i deserve it! Beastmen (Homo Sapiens Variatus) are bestial abhumans combining the forms of animal and human. As even a relatively small amount of time to genetically drift would realistically cause them to shrink due to extreme selection for minimizing height, as well as get smarter (due to the same pressures that made stock humans get smarter in a hurry), the implication is that someone or something (such as the Guard population or planetary AI) has been inducing their large size and low intelligence to help keep them contained. Their adaptations make them naturally suitable for cold, low-gravity worlds, although their low intelligence makes them unlikely to thrive in any environment where they are responsible for feeding, sheltering, and/or clothing themselves. Thus, mutants, though misshapen, are tremendously tough and resilient. They were formerly recruited for the Imperial Guard, where they were valued mainly for their bloodlust; they fought for the Emperor in order to atone for their sin of being born mutants. They may have any of the adaptations one might expect in a low-light environment, such as overly large eyes to gather as much light as possible or vestigial eyes that have given up on sight altogether, and/or enhanced alternative senses to cope, such as sonar. Warhammer 40K: Proud History of The Squats belloflostsouls.net - Larry Vela. Even millennia later mankind has not been able to equal or regain its former height of achievement. Officially, they are not considered mutants by virtue of their breed stability, but they are generally not treated the same way as "normal" humans. Only found on the world of Hyannoth IV; no other details known other than their names, which may be a blatant reference to the extinct Neanderthals and thus, are basically space cavemen. If a population were isolated in a different environment for a long enough time, their distant descendants would be adapted to those new conditions. Log in and join the community. This created warriors who were mentally superior to any regular … The Afriel Strain (Homo Sapien Maledictus) are a strain of Abhuman.. Overview. Hor… Some planets are inhabitable only on their night side, because the opposite surface is exposed to the full force of the system's star. They also get their own house in the Houses of Terra within the Terran Administratum, which provides a large modicum of independent political clout within the Imperium and prevents them from being sacrificed to the Golden Throne. A human that cannot die and is functionally immortal. Humanity's characteristics are influenced by the conditions in which it grew up, including gravity, climate, and diet. They are almost always the worst off people in imperial society. However following the destruction of the Old Ones in the War in Heaven, humans went on to develop in unforeseen and uncontrolled ways as raw uncontrolled evolution took hold. Warhammer 40k Loremasters: Know Your Abhumans – Ogryn & Ratlings. This may include Astropaths to guide the Imperial Navy, Sanctioned Psykers to be used and utilized in the Imperial Guard, protecting the knowledge of a Space Marine Chapter as a Librarian, serve in Inquisition forces and even becoming a Inquisitor themselves. This time, we delve into the world of Abhumans, the first in a two part series. After a bit of technical difficulty, Adam and Jason are back for another narrative episode. In case you were wondering, these guys are EXTREMELY effective. Navigators are never any other kind of psyker (including being a Blank). Jump to: navigation, search. Space Marines themselves are considered dubiously human in some circles, but since they don't breed, their inhumanity is the result of postnatal modifications, and they're all 7 foot tall killing machines that carry automatic armor-piercing grenade launchers, they don't count as abhumans. Abhumans adapted for Ocean Worlds; possibly an attempt to bring back the Saharduin, like the Demiurg are an attempt to bring back the Squats. Also, they tend to shag like bunnies. gigantus gigantus, H.S. In the case of the Afriel Strain and Gland War Veterans, though, their actual status as true abhumans is a bit iffy, as it's unclear just how many of their augmented traits (if any) are genetically transferrable, and their populations are closer to (dwindling) engineered batches rather than self-sustaining breeds. Easily digestible, informative and entertaining, welcome to Lorehammer. From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum. Gland Warriors. The legendary Macharius was among the individuals replicated in this manner. It's even said that those who fought as rebels in the Horus Heresy only did so because their superior officers lied to them about which side they were on. [Warhammer 40k] What is the difference between mutants and abhumans? You should check out the 40klore subreddit which has been asking similar questions recently, resulting in a talented illustrator creating the following images. These abhumans are definitively known to have been manufactured at some point. Due to their (relative) abundance, Psykers have found many roles inside the Imperium when they are picked up from a roaming Blackship from either the Inquisition or the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. They seceded from the Imperium during the Age of Apostasy. Lorehammer is a podcast that focuses on the lore of the Warhammer 40k setting. Abhuman (from ab-, "of, from, away from," human) is a term used in the Imperium of Man to refer to a stable-breeding subspecies of humanity. Each of them can regenerate their limbs like a reptile if it is chopped off. praise me! (Homo Sapiens Auctus Glandulae) were created to fight invading Tyranids on the Forge World Dantris III[1], however more generally are created by genetors as and when required [7]. The abhumans known as Bullgryns are a formidable sight to behold. It is not unknown for such mutants to be levied by the Munitorum to go to war and fight for the Imperium that hates them so. No information on their sanity. X - #151704699 added by anonymous at THE IMPERIAL FUCKING GUARD Ogryns are used as shock troops, wielding heavy automatic shotguns called Ripper Guns, which can be used as clubs. Ratlings (Homo Sapiens Minimus) are the smallest type of abhumans, serving as snipers in the Imperial Guard, although this role is becoming less popular now that pure human special weapon and light infantry squads are fielding marksmen as well. In Warhammer 40K abhumans are a subset of people who have an acceptable level of genetic deviation. They are led by Bone'eads, who have undergone Biochemical Ogryn Neural Enhancement so they're not quite so stupid. Although Ogryn and Ratlings feature heavily, the big topic is that of the Squats. On high-g world people tend to be shorter and bulkier while on low-g taller and slimmer and so forth. Come learn the history of the stubborn and proud abhumans officially known as Homo Sapiens Rotundu; aka – the Squats. Although their physiology and mentality would be so different that they should technically be classified as a whole different species altogether. Members of the Necromundan House Goliath, these freakishly large vat-grown warriors can pass a even a Space Marine in size. Squats grew up on high-gravity mineral-rich worlds near the core of the galaxy and became adapted to be short, robustly built, and adept miners. Contents. However, they were treated as expendable and not expected to survive their first engagement. So, they might genetically not be notably dissimilar enough to be anything other than homo sapiens sapiens. Consider supporting me on Patreon! Other populations exist underground, because the surface of the world is entirely uninhabitable. See more ideas about Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000. Now, you could quibble on which breeds belong where on the list, or even if some should or shouldn't be on it all, and how many free slots there actually are, but the end result still leaves little to no wiggle room for converters and fan-fluff writers that want to make their own thing while sticking to the lore. The Imperium recognizes 73 stable abhuman strains, of which 46 types are now listed as extinct, with a further 12 suggesting they too have died out or been assimilated into the greater population. The results are malformed creatures, deemed entirely impure by the authorities of the Imperium and fit only to serve as slaves. Only 15 abhuman breeds are officially alive and active in the Imperium of 40K, and 12 of those are named: Navigators, Beastmen, Ogryn, Ratlings, Squats, Nightsiders, Troths, Longshanks, Pelagers, Felinids, Scalies, and Neandors. D&D Beyond This episode is packed with narrative goodness as we wrap up our abhumans coverage. They are like Killer Croc from Batman. We even include a huge On Your Tabletop this week in the name of a Squats Warpnauts codex with rules for playing with your Kharadron Overlords models in 40k. This article needs work on its citations.For help on citation see the citation guidelines. Welcome to Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum! Among the people of the Underhive they have a fearsome reputation.[2]. Of all the abhuman types, they most closely resembled humans.Squats were the descendants of humans who colonised the worlds around the galactic core in the far distant past. But veneration of technology and pride led us too close to the sun, and a horrific fate. Interesting question, I wonder why you ask? Then again, you could always just say "fuck it" and go ahead with a fan-creation, regardless of the official numbers, on the assumption that the Administratum just got their paperwork wrong. The other implants just change how the body behaves in a certain way. During the Dark Age of Technology, humanity spread to the stars, first with slower-than-light colony ships, and then with Warp drives after the discovery of the Navigators. Civilian abhumans are almost always an underclass on other worlds, and when Imperial Guard regiments are raised from abhuman worlds as part of the Imperial Tithe they tend to be broken up into individual companies, platoons, or squads that are then attached to other regiments as auxiliary troops. Afriels are normally albino, with pale alabaster skin, pale hair and colourless eyes. Over the millennia, many mutant strains and subspecies of humanity have evolved. Whether you believe that all Abhumans are merely mutants who should be shunned, or that they still somehow have a place amid the citizenry of the Imperium, from them all we can learn an important lesson. In the Imperium, there are mutants that, although of relatively stable genetic stock, are so misshapen and physically abhorrent that they are forced to live entirely separate from mainstream society. They aren't fielded by the Imperial Guard due to their inability to effectively communicate and somewhat heretical mutations. Ogryn are transparently based on the archetypal fantasy ogre: big, strong, and dumb. Warhammer 40K: Abhumans – Friend Or Foe? Age of Strife 4. Unification Wars 5. However, they are still distrusted by the more puritan members of the Inquisition. However, they exhibit widespread diversity within that category, leading to their common consideration of being mutants. Planetary Census (Abhumans), the administrative body that deals with Abhuman affairs.[3]. your own Pins on Pinterest Ratlings used to be space halflings, but the latest edition miniatures give them hairy bare feet, making them look more like space Hobbits (though both archetypes have a fair amount of overlap). These Beastmen (or Homo sapiens variatus), Mutant Slave Levies (ordinary mutant slaves rounded up for cannon fodder), Feral Ogryns (even nastier and more primitive than regular Ogryns), Nightsiders (originating from worlds of perpetual or near-perpetual darkness, little to no ability to see but perfect warriors for Night Fighting missions), Afriel Strain Soldiers (genetically engineered from DNA taken from great heroes of the Imperium, very unlucky and unpopular), Subs (relatively genetically stable but still hideously deformed mutant sub-breeds) and Gland Warriors (Imperial Guardsmen implanted with special organs and glands that secrete combat-useful chemicals, such as stimms and pain-killers). They are useful as Imperial Guard shock troops because they are big enough to wreck the enemy and dumb enough to charge on command. This time, we delve into the world of Abhumans, the first in a two part series. Although Ogryn and Ratlings feature heavily, the big topic is that of the Squats. Since the Emperor's stasis however, only the lesser deviants, such as Ogryns and Ratlings, are considered Imperial citizens. Recently reappeared in the canon to be taken captive by Orks and then summarily executed by their Black Templar rescuers for being mutants. Squats. Thanks to 6th Edition, Imperial catgirls are canon! They also suffer from a variety of defects, most notably mental imbalances, slow movement and extremely short lifespans, thus, they are considered by many to be a classifiable strain of Abhuman.[4]. Imperial Guard armies may make use of Abhumans. Squats (Homo Sapiens Rotundus) originated on high-gravity worlds towards the galactic core, making them short and tough. Though, this is usually because most abhumans that qualify for Guard service are either too stupid, too undisciplined, too specialized, or aren't numerous enough to maintain their own independent regiments. While they are found on many, distinct planets, they are only found in Hives, all of whom probably produce very similar waste, which the Scalies live in; combined with their lack of "stability" (i.e. Mankind strode across the stars like a god. They also tend towards kleptomania. J.R. Zambrano 5 Minute Read October 11 Abhumans have valiantly served in the regiments of the Astra Militarum, though beware, for many more are still enemies of the Imperium. Their most likely origin is being artificial but not for the standard reason (like Ogryn seem to be), in particular due to possible interference by nonhumans, such as Chaos or Dark Eldar, both of whom are notorious for genetically tampering with human populations for their own ends. Faster, stronger, and more intelligent than baseline humans [7]. Thank the Emperor.... Only found on the world of Verdant; no other details known other than some claiming that they may be plant people. The Dark Age of Technology was the zenith of mankind’s scientific knowledge and technological power. Today’s lecture, Loremasters, turns towards two common strains categorized by the Imperium as abhuman soldiers. Abhuman. Which is quite disappointing really. Ogryns (Homo Sapiens Gigantus) evolved on cold, high-gravity prison planets. These periods include: 1. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hiding their swollen faces behind filthy shrouds, these creatures form an invisible underclass, forced to live in the unpopulated wilds of the Imperium's worlds and frequently the subject of brutal pogroms by zealous preachers keen to purge the impure. Their good eyesight and small size make them useful as snipers, but they are otherwise useless in a fight and their personal characteristics make them less than endearing to Imperial Guard leadership, though the Guardsmen themselves usually don't mind. Originally little more then tree-beasts, humans originated from the planet Terra and while one with their eco-system had no greater role defined for them by the Old Ones, an ancient and powerful race that ruled the Galaxy in its infancy. It is very rare to find a world that will tolerate them and not discriminate against them. The natives of Davin were shaggy creatures that were close to it, though Chaos may have had a hand in that, unbeknown to the Imperials. Afriel Strain (Homo Sapiens Maledictis) soldiers were created during an experimental process, of which little is known about. These abhumans are adapted for a wide variety of worlds, and, critically, were found on multiple, distinct worlds; as evolution has an astronomically poor chance of producing results like this, odds are far better that the native population, in order to deal with problems brought about by the Age of Strife, genetically tampered with themselves to survive, explaining why populations on similar but distant worlds would arrive at identical (or very similar) solutions. The amount of genetic tempering has effectively made the Afriel Strain a new sub-species of human. Afriel Strains were the byproduct of the Imperium trying to create the 'Ultimate Human' via a shadowy experimental process which used genetic material from a number of the Imperium's greatest heroes to, in effect, make clones of them. They are also noted kleptomaniacs, so they've got some space Kender in them, too. Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum: Valkyrie (47-10) Warhammer 40K. This time, we delve into the world of Abhumans, the first in a two part series. Desperately seeking some form of acceptance, many mutants join rebellious … This complex strain is currently listed as seven distinct types (Alpha, Theta, Type IV, Type VIIa, H.S. In more liberal times under the Emperor, even markedly divergent abhumans such as the Beastmen could serve in the Imperial Guard. Affirmed to be of the Neko variety in Liber Xenologis. All Beastmen which have not been mutated by Chaos are morphologically similar, having a basic human body type modified to have the head and lower legs of a cloven-hoofed, ruminant mammal from Earth; one can assume they also possess internal changes, such as a 4-chambered stomach. Many within the department believe that many of these classifications are all separate types, and another revision of strain classification is required.[3]. However, a certain level of natural selection is often at work in such populations. As these adaptations "merely" adapt the organism to being better at running, jumping, and being able to digest cellulose while sacrificing proficiency at climbing but Beastmen are found on many worlds throughout the Imperium, they would seem to be artificial if not for the fact that one would expect far better of the Dark Age of Technology than, for example, needing to include horns in order to accomplish digesting grass. Ratlings also serve as cooks, a skill they no doubt learned in order to feed their own stomachs. The Imperium spared them, though, because while they were clearly not pure humans, they were useful and no more prone to mutation than any other human. They are said to have been mostly been wiped out by the Tyranids. [7], Throughout the millennia, technology may have regressed due to ignorance, isolation, or natural disaster, and the population may have changed by design or by some accident of nature. Abhumans have valiantly served in the regiments of the Astra Militarum, though beware, for many more are still enemies of the Imperium. gigantus Cranopus, and the mysterious Grey Ogryns). See more ideas about warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k imperial guard. Seeing as how she is a Master Geneticist, she may land some credibility. According to Imperial savants, human history has progressed through several different distinct periods, which chronicle the species' rise to ultimate dominance over the Milky Way Galaxy and the current situation in which humanity faces a number of extinction-level threats from Chaos and multiple, deadly xenosspecies. Discover (and save!) Eventually h… As the nascent Imperium of Man regained contact with the rest of Humanity during the Great Crusade, its servants discovered populations that had developed into true Human sub-species. They are huge and stupid but extremely loyal once introduced to the Imperial Cult.