who built dechen phodrang dzong

After that take a short and easy hike to visit the Chhimi Lhakhang – The Temple, also known as “The Temple of Fertility” was built by Lama Drukpa Kuenley, “The Devine Mad Man”. Dechen Phodrang Zhirim Lobdra. Built in the 12 th century, it is one of the original dzongs of Bhutan and currently serves as a Monastic School where over four hundred monks are enrolled.. It is said that Ngawang Chogyal followed the spring originating from the throne of Jetsun Milarepa in Druk Ralung, Tibet in order to select a suitable site to establish a Drukpa Kagyud … The Dzong was named Druk Pungthang Dechen Phodrang (Palace of Great Happiness). Er gilt als herausragendes Beispiel der Kloster- und Festungsarchitektur Bhutans. The original Thimphu dzong was built in 1216 by Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa, above the present Dzong, where Dechen Phodrang now stands. You will not be allowed into the Dzong without a licensed tour guide. The new building was … Die Quellen des Mo Chhu liegen in den nördlichen Bergen von Lighsi und Laya in Bhutan und in Tibet. It was built in 1636-1637 by the great lama Ngawang Namgyal, at the confluence of the rivers Pho (“male”) and Mo (“female”). Popularly known as the Punakha Dzong, Punthang Dechen Phodrang (The Palace of Great Bliss) was built in 1637 by the Zhabdrung. Since than Punakha became the … Die Wangchuck-Dynastie regiert seit 1907 das Land. The Dzong was named Druk Pungthang Dechen Phodrang (Palace of Great Happiness). Zwischen 1750 und 1849 beschädigten mehrere Brände den Dzong. Anders als die anderen Dzongs im Land liegt der Punakha-Dzong nicht auf einer Hügel­kuppe oder Anhöhe, sondern inmitten des Punakha-Wangdue-Tals, am Zusammenfluss der beiden Flüsse Pho Chhu (Vater-) und Mo Chhu (Mutter-Fluss), vor einer eindrucksvollen Bergkulisse. The Machen Lhakhang, a temple inside the Dzong enshrines the mummified body of the Zhabdrung who passed away in retreat here in 1651. More buildings were added around later, including the Buddhist temple erected to memorize the defeat of Tibetan invasion in 1639 and brassy rooftop gifted from the 7th Dalai Lama. You are advised to be prepared accordingly. The original Thimphu dzong (the Dho-Ngyen Dzong, or Blue Stone Dzong) was built in 1216 by Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa where Dechen Phodrang now stands above Thimphu. Punthang Dechen Phodrang Dzong or ‘the Palace of Great Bliss’. In 1641 the Zhabdrung (The one who unified the country) acquired the dzong from the descendants of lama Phajo and renamed it as Trashi Chhoe … When visiting the Kuenrey, you must take off your shoes. Set), Construction of the Seventeenth Century Dzong in the Kingdom of Bhutan, The new Cantilever Bridge of Punakha in the Kingdom of Bhutan, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Punakha-Dzong&oldid=202311406, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Eine hölzerne Auslegerbrücke, die den Mo Chhu überquert, wurde zusammen mit dem Dzong im 17. The gigantic Dzong was damaged 6 times by fire, once by flood and once by an earthquake. This amazing and historical palace has been built during the 1600s and has already been renovated several times after certain calamities. In old British documents, it is known as Tassisudon. The main attractions of this site are rare Bhutanese artefacts that it houses and includes 12 th century paintings, monitored … On 29th May 2018 Coinciding with Lord Buddha’s Parinirvana, His Majesty the king graced the installation of Serto (the Golden pinnacle) of the newly constructed Utse (Central tower) of Wangdue Phodrang Dzong. The oldest dzong in the country after that of Simthoka, its nickname is Pungthang Dechen Phodrang (“palace of great bliss”). 4. Dechen Phrodrang. Buddhist artrology is a mix of Indian and Chinese indigenous systems. Dochula … Popularly known as the Punakha Dzong, Punthang Dechen Phodrang (The Palace of Great Bliss) was built in 1637 by the Zhabdrung. Literally meaning the ‘Palace of Bliss,’ the Dechen Phodrang Monastery is situated high up among the clouds, north of the Thimphu city. Officially named Punthang Dechen Phodrang (Palace of Great Bliss), Punakha Dzong was the home of Zhabdrung who built the temple in 1637. Das sechsstöckige Bauwerk ist 180 m lang und 72 m breit und hat drei Innenhöfe (Dochey) und einen zentralen Turm (Utse). Situated on a valley 4km away from Gaden Lam, it offers a mesmerising view of Thimphu. In 1641, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal acquired it but finding it too small, he built another one, known as the lower Dzong. Nach den Beschädigungen durch das Feuer von 1986 wurde zusätzlich eine große Gebetshalle errichtet. The arms … In 1641 Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal acquired it from Lama Phajo's descendants, but soon finding it too small, he built … Sacred Do Ngon (རྡོ་སྔོན: Blue Rock) or Dechen Phodrang monastic at Thimphu. Auf Grundlage der Traumvision des Architekten begannen 1637 die Bauarbeiten an der Stelle des Dzong Chug. On 17 December, 1907, the first king of Bhutan, Ugyen Wangchuck, was crowned here. Dieses Bauwerk, das eine Buddhastatue beherbergte, war bekannt als Dzong Chug, das heißt kleiner Dzong. The Machen Lhakhang, a temple inside the Dzong enshrines the mummified body of the Zhabdrung … Just one year, Pungthang Dechen Phodrang - the embryonic original Punakha Dzong was completed. History. It is home to above 500 monks and provides them with a prestigious eight-year course. In 1216 Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa built Dho-Ngen Dzong (Blue Stone Dzong) on the hill above Thimphu where Dechen Phodrang now stands. Rund um den Dzong wachsen Jacaranda-Bäume, die im Frühling hellviolettfarben blühen. The upper floor features a large figure of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal as well as the goenkhang (chapel devoted to protective … It was first constructed in 1216 A.D. by Lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa where Dechen Phodrang now stands above Thimphu. Die Spitze auf dem Dach des Utse, des Zentralturms des Dzongs, wurde 1676 von Gyaltsen Tenzen Rabgye, dem Abt des Dzongs, angebracht. After you climb the steep staircase, and just after you step in through the huge door, you will find the painting of Buddhist astrology on the wall on your right. Tashichhoedzong is a Buddhist monastery and fortress on the northern edge of the city of Thimphu in Bhutan, on the western bank of the Wang Chu. Der dritte Innenhof liegt am südlichen Ende des Dzong, wo die Reliquien Pema Lingpas und Ngawang Namgyels aufbewahrt werden. It has traditionally been the seat of the Druk Desi, the head of Bhutan's civil government, an office which has been combined with the kingship since the creation of the monarchy in 1907, and summer capital of the country. Built in 1531 by Ngawang Chogyal, the brother of Drukpa Kuenley popularly known as the “Divine Madman”, the Dokar/Dogar/ Dobji /Dobrji Dzong is situated at an altitude of 6,600 feet on the way to Haa in western Bhutan. Der Bau wurde 1638 fertiggestellt. Dzongs are quite common in Bhutan since they are being ruled by kings. Das Oberhaupt der Geistlichkeit Bhutans verbringt zusammen mit seinem Gefolge die Wintermonate in diesem Dzong. Construction on the current dzong began in 1637 and was completed the following year, when the building was christened Pungthang Dechen Phodrang (Palace of Great Happiness). History. … It was named Punthang Dechen Phodrang Dzong or ‘the Palace of Great Bliss’. Popularly known as the Punakha Dzong, Punthang Dechen Phodrang (The Palace of Great Bliss) was built in 1637 by the Zhabdrung. As soon as you enter this temple, you will be awed by the giant statues of the Buddha, flanked by the Guru and the Zhabdrung. The Palace of Great Bliss or Punthang Dechen Phodrang in Bhutan is commonly known as Punakha Dzong from other parts of the world. If you visit during breaks between classes, expect lots of questions from the students! In 1641, Zhabdrung Ngawang … You will not be allowed to enter the Dzong without proper permits. Am 13. A massive fire that broke out in the Wangdue Phodrang Dzong in 2012 had brought down the Dzong, though most of the artefacts and sacred relics were recovered. Dechen Phodrang Monastery, located in the north part of Thimphu. This series of 12 paintings can tell you a lot about Buddhism. Dzongs are built at strategic locations such as on hill tops, overlooking the valley or at the confluence of rivers providing military vantage. Aja Ney: Ein weiterer heiliger Ort in dem Distrikt Mongar ist Aja Ney. Built in the 12 th century, it is one of the original dzongs of Bhutan and currently serves as a Monastic School where over four hundred monks are enrolled. Monks seem more relaxed in the afternoon, and if you are a photographer, you wont get enough of the red of the beetle nut glistening from the mouths of our maroon robed monks. Legend has it that Ngawang Chogyal has followed the spring originating below the throne of jetsun Milarepa in Tibet. It was administered by his descendants for many centuries. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook. Pungthang Dechen Phodrang - The Palace of Bliss Dzongs reflect the dynamism of Bhutanese history and culture since the unification of the country. The fort was renamed Trashi Chho Dzong (Fortress of the Glorious Religion) when it passed from the descendants of Lama Phajo to Zhabdrung Ngawang … Situated on a valley 4km away from Gaden Lam, it offers a mesmerising view of Thimphu. Since 1971 it has housed the state monastic school. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 29. This dzong in … On 17 December, 1907, the first king of Bhutan, Ugyen Wangchuck, was crowned here. For the people who are interested in history and paintings, the monastery has paintings that date back to the 12th century and it is one of the amazing places to see in Thimpu.The monastery also houses a statue of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, who was popularly called the … Die Klosterburg bewahrt die heiligen Reliquien der südlichen Drugpa-Linie der Kagyü-Schulrichtung des tibetischen Buddhismus, unter anderem die Rangjung Kasarpani und den geheiligten Nachlass Ngawang Namgyels und des Tertön Pema Lingpas. Simtokha Dzong ('dzong' means "castle-monastery") also known as Sangak Zabdhon Phodrang (Bhutanese language meaning: "Palace of the Profound Meaning of Secret Mantras") is a small dzong.It was built in 1629 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, who unified Bhutan.It is the first of its kind built in Bhutan.An important historical monument and former Buddhist monastery, today it houses one of the … after around bhutan bhutan-india border brahmaputra buddhism built capital chhu chu clergy climate coloured confluence courtyard crosses down during dzong dzong.lilac entourage eventually father fed flows glaciers grow head healthy hills in jacaranda kalikhola known laya lighsi located … Later Phajo Drugom Zhigpo of Drukpa Kagyu defeated Lhapas and took over the Dzong. [CDATA[ The building you see today is actually not the original Thimphu dzong. !b.a.length)for(a+="&ci="+encodeURIComponent(b.a[0]),d=1;d=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.i&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(B())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),c=!0);C=a;if(c){d=b.h;b=b.j;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(r){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(D){}}f&&(f.open("POST",d+(-1==d.indexOf("?")?"? Since 1971 it has housed the state lobra (monastic school), providing an education for more than 280 novice monks. Pungthang Dechen Phodrang – The palace of great happiness is located 4-km north of Khuruthang town in Punakha. The spectacular Kuenrey (assembly hall) in Punakha Dzong is open to the tourists. Eine andere Legende erzählt, wie der Architekt Zowe Palep ein Traumbild empfing, nachdem der Shabdrung ihn angewiesen hatte, sich unter einem kleinen Bauwerk schlafen zu legen. Lhuntse Dzong; Mongar Dzong; Trashigang Dzong ; Trashiyangtse Dzong; You are here: Home / Haa Dzong. A smaller building called Dzong Chung (Small Dzong) housed a statue of the Buddha here as early as 1326. At the original site, now stands Dechen Phodrang Monastery. You will not be allowed to enter the Dzong if you are wearing: caps, hats, shorts, vests or umbrellas. The original dzong was destroyed by fire in 1771 and everything was moved to the lower dzong. Later embellishments included the construction of a chapel to commemorate the victory over the Tibetans in 1639. Since 1971, the Dechen Phodrang Monastery is a monastic school where around 300 monks seek education. Während des fünftägigen Festes, auch bekannt als Punakha-Fest, das im Februar oder März stattfindet, gibt es einige eindrucksvolle Darbietungen. In 1216 the lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa built Dohon (Blue Stone) Dzong on the hill above Thimphu Where Dechen Phodrang now stands. Dzong ini terletak di utara kota Thimpu yang berfungsi sebagai sekolah bagi para bhikkhu, menampung 15 staff dan 450 siswa yang semuanya terdaftar dalam kursus 8 tahun. In 1216 Gyalwa Lhanangpa Sangay Rinchen of Drigung Kagyu built a Dzong near this rock called Do Ngon (རྡོ་སྔོན: Blue Rock) and named it Do Ngon Dzong. For many years until the time of the second king, it served as the seat of the Government. Your email address will not be published. Weitere Ergänzungen folgten von 1744 bis 1763 unter der Herrschaft Sherab Wangchucks. Im Jahr 1996 beschädigte eine Sturzflut des Pho Chhu die große Stupa und führte zu mehreren Todesfällen. On 17 December, 1907, the first king of Bhutan, Ugyen Wangchuck, was crowned here. This is … Then the Punakha Dzong began its history of political center until 1955. After years, the Do-Ngen Dzong was under control of Lama Phajo Drugom Shigpo who brought the Drukpa Kagyu lineage to the Bhutan Kingdom. Nach der vollständigen Wiederherstellung des Dzongs in seiner alten Pracht, werden dort bemerkenswerte Bilder, Statuen und Thangkas gezeigt, darunter auch Wandmalereien aus der Regierungszeit des zweiten Druk Desi, die die Lebensgeschichte Buddhas darstellen. Namgyal foresaw this to be a good sign and had the Dzong built on the hillock in 1638. The Dzong was the coronation point for the first King of Bhutan in 1907 and, even today, the Dzong is the winter house for Bhutan’s spiritual leaders. The Machen Lhakhang, a temple inside the Dzong enshrines the mummified body of the Zhabdrung who passed away in retreat here in 1651. Der Punakha-Dzong war das Verwaltungszentrum und Sitz der Regierung von Bhutan, bis die Hauptstadt des Landes 1955 nach Thimphu verlegt wurde. Der Dzong brannte 1986 teilweise ab, wurde jedoch schnell wieder vollständig aufgebaut. Punakha is still the winter residence of Je-Khenpo and King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck convened the first National Assembly here in 1952. Brände und Erdbeben tragen ebenfalls zu den Problemen bei der Erhaltung des Dzongs bei. The rays slant just enough to hit the organically painted and carved wooden railings. In 1216 the lama Gyalwa Lhanangpa built Dohon (Blue Stone) Dzong on the hill above Thimphu Where Dechen Phodrang now stands. Punakha became the capital of Bhutan where the successive Desis administered the country through the Dual system of govern-ment. Der Machey Lakhang im dritten Innenhof wurde 1995 generalüberholt und enthält den Reliquienschrein mit dem gut erhaltenen, einbalsamierten Körper des Shabdrung. You may … Jedoch wird dieser Platz vom König und Je Khenpo aufgesucht, hauptsächlich um Segen zu erlangen, bevor sie ihre Ämter antreten.