what causes extra bone growth in the mouth?

It may also cause pain by putting pressure on a nearby nerve. In 90% of cases, there is a torus on both the left and right sides. The problems that can arise from tori are that the overlaying of bone can cause stress in the nasal septum area, which can stimulate more bone growth. One of the most common causes for the appearance of a small growth on the mouth, palate, gums, the inside of the lips or throat are fibroids in the mouth, benign tumors with a round and well defined shape that are usually bright and hard.. The bone material accumulates in these tori. A torus is a slow-growing, rounded projection of bone that forms in the middle of the roof of the mouth (torus palatinus) or on the lower jaw by the side of the tongue (torus mandibularis). If on the roof of mouth it is a maxillary or palatal torus. Torus mandibularis is a bony growth in the mandible along the surface nearest to the tongue.Mandibular tori are usually present near the premolars and above the location of the mylohyoid muscle's attachment to the mandible. If you felt a kind of bumps, don’t worry about a thing as they harmless growth of extra bones … It is a benign growth of extra bone. Injury: Injury seems to prompt bone growth as well, so any blow to the jaw or head can cause tori to develop. Torus or Tori (plural) is a benign bone growth in the mouth, and in 90% of the cases, there is a torus on both the left and right sides of your oral cavity, making this an overwhelmingly bilateral condition. Opinions on causes are many and often it is a mystery why they form at all, why they form on only the upper jaw (maxilla,) lower jaw (mandible,) one side , or both sides. This hard growth is both common and harmless. The jaw creates more bone material to support the teeth that are experiencing the heightened amounts of force. The prevalence of mandibular tori ranges from 5-40%. The pressure exerted on the jaw from grinding and clenching the teeth and jaw can create conditions which cause chronic ischemia (lack of adequate blood flow) to the outer layers of the bone. This type of exostosis … Treatment options for jaw tumors and cysts vary, depending on the type of growth or lesion you have, the stage of growth, and your symptoms. You can feel the mandibular tori by contacting your tongue with the inside of your lower jaw in the area where roots of your lower teeth are located. Extra bone: Most often these are on the inside of the lower jaw. In most cases, osteomas do not cause symptoms.In fact, a person may not realize that they have a growth until a doctor examines the sinuses or the skull due to other health concerns the person has. Outgrowth of bone: A torus (tori-plural) is a non-pathological outgrowth of bone. Many patients who have tori have these tori surgically removed, only to see them return. They commonly appear in areas in which friction takes place, although they can appear on any point of the oral cavity. Because Tori are harmless and usually don’t cause pain or … Tori vary in size and are often found via dental x-rays. Then, what is extra bone growth in mouth? In 90% of cases, they occur on both sides of the mouth. This oral abnormality normally does not cause any serious damage. Bruxism: In addition to creating a host of other dental issues, teeth grinding and jaw clenching stimulates bone growth, often in the form of tori. The pressure from the jaw joint’s efforts causes a response in the bone in the jaw. If on outside of jaw, below gum line on lower , above on upper, then they are called exostoses. You may have an extra bone in your mouth and not know it. They are called tori. These growths are usually noncancerous (benign), but they can be aggressive and invade the surrounding bone and tissue and may displace teeth. The bone growth can block your sinus from draining properly, causing congestion. Even a large growth can be left alone unless it gets scraped during eating or the person needs a denture that covers the area. If you do it is called a torus–a harmless, slow-growing bone. Tori is plural for torus. If it is a problem it can br trimmed away by the oral surgeon.