the way forward for intellectual property internationally

One aspect of this would be for developed countries to contribute to a global fund to further support the program. While subsidies and state-induced overcapacity harm innovation-based industries, so too does IP infringement, IP theft, or the forced disclosure or transfer of technology or intellectual property as a condition of market access for firms, as ITIF writes in “Global IP Infringement’s Significant Cost to the U.S. Economy.”[84] For instance, according to the United States Trade Representative’s Office, Chinese theft of American IP currently costs the United States between $225 billion and $600 billion annually. Opponents tend to focus on disparities between developed and developing countries in the development and deployment of technology (arguing the disparity is fundamentally unfair) and assert that governments should be able to forcibly intervene to undermine intellectual property in order to “correct” this. This has contributed to a complicated, confrontational, and inconsistent norm-setting and rule-making process around intellectual property globally. Cockburn, “Scale, Scope, and Spillovers: The Determinants of Research Productivity in the Pharmaceutical Industry” RAND Journal of Economics Vol. Policymakers face a similar challenge in deciding what policies they should enact to give their workers and firms the best opportunity to thrive. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Enquiry into Intellectual Property’s Economic Impact (Paris: OECD, 2015), Nations that have not implemented—or do not enforce—robust intellectual property rights protections end up harming their economic development in at least three principle ways. [16] This not only reflects a change in how companies structure their own R&D, but in how they pursue innovation, as many companies open up their processes to greater collaboration and engagement with outside partners. In 2014, the United Nations Human Rights Council established an open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations, with a mandate to develop an legally binding (internationally) instrument to regulate these businesses according to human rights law. As with other international development-focused programs, donor countries could build assistance into aid programs and resources. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Publishing (OECD), Open Innovation in Global Networks, (Paris: OECD, 2008), Ezell, Nager, and Atkinson, “Contributors and Detractors.”. [145] As WIPO outlined in its guide for the treaties, the application of TPMs is “a key condition for the protection, exercise, and enforcement of copyright in the digital networked environment.”[146] While people use devices and networks that rely on TPMs on a daily basis, critics see nothing but doom. Park and Lippoldt showed that stronger IPRs in developing countries are associated with an increase of technology-intensive FDI, while Awokuse and Yin provided a concrete example concerning the relationship of IPR protection in China to FDI inflows, concluding that IPR reforms in China have had a positive and significant effect on inbound FDI. National Endowment for Science, Technology, and the Arts, “The Innovation Index: Measuring the UK’s Investment in Innovation and Its Effects” (NESTA, 2009), The program is designed to help institutions in eligible states build infrastructure, research capabilities, and training and human resource capacities to enable them to compete more successfully for open federal research and development-funding awards. /ca 1.0 Ideological opponents who reject intellectual property rights make a number of specious arguments about how IP is a tool to limit growth in developing nations and how nations’ IP provisions should be viewed as a totally sovereign, “behind the border” issue. In particular, the TPP debate was indicative of how opposition to intellectual property is often aligned with broader opposition to related issues, especially the role of trade agreements in enabling closer economic integration and the role played by large companies in the global economy. 700 K Street NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001[email protected](202) 449-1351. [151]. Ultimately, the reactive, defensive, and ad hoc nature of the United States’ and likeminded countries’ current approach is failing to make progress on the broader narrative toward (weaker) intellectual property rights. What this crowded policymaking environment does is offer alternative venues—each with its own institutional features, subject matter competencies, and decision-making procedures—within which IP opponents can experiment to find a way to pursue their objectives and thereby further their efforts to undermine intellectual property.[137]. Park and Lippoldt, “Technology Transfer and the Economic Implications of the Strengthening of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries.”. WIPO—the organization with this mandate to conduct IP-related work—has already reviewed the Post-2015 Development Agenda to identify which are most related to its work. Furthermore, those laws support the United States’ and others’ positions as among the world leaders in innovation, without undermining human rights and other public interests. ! Much of the debate over IP stems from different conceptions of economic theory and the processes of economic growth. 1"AQ2aq�#�u6��BR37��s$%�&v�t�5тCSU'�� ? EPSCOR proposal evaluations follow the merit-based, peer-review process used for the vast majority of NSF’s competitive awards. on the Judiciary, 99th Cong., 2d Sess. There are two primary review processes. 1 (2004): 1–13, The following section examines some of the central ideological and policy positions asserted by IPR opponents. [95]  Dean Baker, “Working Paper: Is Intellectual Property the Root of All Evil? “Japan Funds-In-Trust for Industrial Property – Africa & LDCs,” World Intellectual Property Organization website, accessed April 15, 2019,; “Japan Funds-in-Trust — Asia-Pacific,” World Intellectual Property Organization website, accessed April 15, 2019, Cavazos Cepeda, Lippoldt, and Senft, Policy Complements, 10. Eric Schwartz, “An Overview of the International Treatment of Exceptions” (PIJIP research paper no. This complicated, clashing, and inconsistent norm-setting and rule-making processes has contributed to the stasis in international IP rule making since TRIPS. future of intellectual property (IP) in Australia, and IP Australia’s role in that future. Not that they cannot be helpful in some areas and in the broader debate, but WTO and WIPO are unlikely to play a lead role in debating, negotiating, and enforcing new rules. However, IP opponents have been far more prominent, energized, and active in advocating for their preferred policies. Given the increasingly intense competition brought about by globalization and its neighboring countries, Hong Kong has a long way to go before it can It then uses the debate over IP in negotiations toward the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement as a recent case study in how opponents seek to undermine efforts to improve IP rules internationally. The TPP’s proposed IP rules largely reflect existing laws in the United States and other developed member countries, such as Australia, Canada, and Japan. See: Australia’s Productivity Commission, “Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements” (research report, November, 2010, from page 262),; Australia’s Productivity Commission , “Intellectual Property Arrangements” (inquiry report, December 20, 2016), They thus try to paint IP as irrelevant to trade and an infringement on a state’s right to use intellectual property however it wishes (mainly to pursue industrial policy and avoid foreign licensing fees). /Type /ExtGState [99]  Gustavo Morales, “International Think Tank Policy Dialogue on Health, Trade, and Innovation,” (power point presentation, Bogota, Colombia, September 25, 2018). [17] Chemicals, electronics, business services, and wholesale and retail trade are some of the sectors most actively pursuing co-inventions and GINs. [77]. Human capital development, a very important aspect of any IP regime, finds its way as a separate objective. The United States and likeminded nations also need to clearly, consistently, and strongly push to reframe the debate around IP back toward a considered and holistic analysis of the international issues wherein intellectual property is a priority agenda item, whether this is in nations’ framing of their economic and trade policies or in the context of issue-specific debates, such as around technology transfer and access to medicines. As the authors concluded, “Increases in the protection of the IPRs carried economic benefits in the form of higher inflows of FDI, and increases in the levels of both domestically conducted R&D and service imports as measured by licensing fees.”[55] As Jackson summarized, regarding the relationship between IPR reform and both innovation and R&D, and FDI, “In addition to spurring domestic innovation, strong intellectual property rights can increase incentives for foreign direct investment which in turn also leads to economic growth.”[56], Box 1: Innovate for Health: IP Is Not the Problem, But Part of the Solution. [94]  “‘WTO - Shrink or Sink!’ The Turnaround Agenda International Civil Society Sign-On Letter,” Public Citizen website, accessed April 15, 2019, )[79] This also explains why academic research shows a statistically significant relationship between a bio-pharma enterprise’s profits from the previous year and its R&D expenditures in the current year and why the pharmaceutical firms with the greatest sales are also the ones with the largest R&D investments. Yet this has not prevented the TPP’s intellectual property chapter from being subjected to a range of hysterical and baseless claims. While officials are well versed in their respective side of the standoff at WIPO and WTO, debating the issues at different forums raises the risk of a detrimental outcome for IP as it may involve officials that do not usually work on IP issues at the international level and so may not recognize proposals that target IP protections. Some countries may be signatories to international intellectual property treaties and agreements and each type of intellectual property may be regulated differently. This would complement, and extend, similar convening and capacity building work being performed by WIPO. He previously worked as a researcher at the Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Youtube Intellectual property allows rightsholders to prevent others from using their intellectual property without permission (for a limited period of time after that intellectual property’s creation), meaning it involves a fundamental trade-off between short-term static efficiency (providing immediate, wide-ranging access to the IP for social and other purposes) and long-term dynamic efficiency (incentives to invest in new innovations). [67]. This fundamental trade-off is inescapable. 1 (2008): 89-110. It is a disadvantage as progress (in terms of substantive new agreements on intellectual property protection and enforcement issues) requires broad agreement among the membership, while opposition takes only a few members. For example, if an innovator in South Korea comes up with much better battery technology, the entire world benefits. Figure 2: Amount Contributed by Developed Countries to the WIPO Funds-in-Trust Program[167], For example, Australia uses its FIT to improve IP and innovation systems in the Asia-Pacific region. Transition At IP-Watch: A New Path Forward March 25, 2019 Intellectual Property Watch Health Policy Watch – Continuing The IP-Watch Tradition Of Vibrant Health Reporting March 25, 2019 Intellectual Property … [110]. A further contribution of $3 million AUD was made in 2015 to continue to advance WIPO’s Development Agenda through the delivery of technical assistance. IP rights have come under attack from a loose coalition of academics, nongovernmental organizations, multilateral groups, and others whose opposition threatens to undermine innovation, growth, and progress on key global challenges. Both involve legitimate public policy goals, but there is a clear conflict between them.[88]. [19]. In the United States, Jagdish Bhagwati, James Boyle, Rebecca Eisenberg, Wendy Gordon, Michael Heller, Larry Lessig, David Kaye, Paul Krugman, Eben Moglen, Ruth Okediji, Pamela Samuelson, Tim Wu, and Jonathan Zittrain are emblematic of this group. [164] This type of engagement is mutually beneficial, as the receiving country improves its ability to leverage IP to support innovation, while the leading countries receive the assurance that intellectual property—whether foreign or domestic—will be better protected in the future. Also: Destrina Grace Simanjuntak and Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, “Impact of Profitability, R&D Intensity, and Cash Flow on R&D Expenditure in Pharmaceutical Companies,” (Social Science Research Network, April 29, 2011),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In particular, it called for the reform of intellectual property so that it can create “space” for industrial policy. First, by not advocating that countries should consider the global implications of their domestic innovation policies, too many countries have been allowed to enact mercantilist practices that detract from global innovation. U.S. Trade Representative for Trade Policy, Ten Ways the Precautionary Principle Undermines Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Trump Should Seek Rules to Protect Intellectual Property in the Modern Era, A Case For Trade Enforcement: Colombia and Intellectual Property, @Work Series: Employment in the Innovation Economy. These officials harken back to an earlier era that fundamentally distrusts companies (especially large and foreign ones) and market forces, and sees a central role for governments in guiding and managing large parts of an economy (i.e., central planning). The essence of the intellectual property regime is to guarantee a reward for the invention to the inventor, as well as an opportunity to recover the investments for research leading to the invention. Twitter If only that were true. Margaret Kyle and Yi Qian, Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Innovation: Evidence from TRIPS (NBER Working Paper No. Indeed, the vast majority of drugs—at least 95 percent—on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines list are off-patent, and thus potentially available in generic versions. With so many things competing for everyone’s attention these days, … Critics of IP constantly try to frame IP as being irrelevant (or even, a barrier) to trade. [51]. 1 (1996): 32–59. From this view, “innovation” really just helps countries replace imports with domestic production and unfairly promote exports. This is especially the case in many developing countries where innovation is sorely needed. [64] The problem, in much larger part, stems from countries’ underdeveloped health systems and the fact that many people live in rural areas far from care. [22]. [123]. In this way, innovation mercantilist countries use both sides of the “pro” and “anti” IP debate—they recognize the role IP plays in technological and economic development, but undermine foreign IP in order to obtain it in a zero-sum fashion, although they then support protection for exports from their domestic firms (including the IP embedded in their goods and services), as well as expect fair treatment in foreign markets for the IP held by their firms. ... and refusal — to honor intellectual property rights. [108] “What right do others have to tell me I cannot copy a piece of music or a blueprint of a product?” Such proponents focus on maximizing self-interest and personal freedom, not the broader public interest—which is something they deny exists. [149]. “The Ocean Conference Our Oceans, Our Future: Partnering for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, June 5–9, 2017,” website accessed April 16, 2019, Brent Allred and Walter Park, "Patent rights and innovative activity: evidence from national and firm-level data," Journal of International Business Studies, 38, no. intellectual property as a bargaining chip that countries should hold onto for trade negotiations with developed countries. [100]. Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, [62] In other instances, individuals lack access to essential medicines, with cost being a relatively small part of the problem. Stephen J. Ezell, Adams B. Nager, and Robert D. Atkinson, “Contributors and Detractors: Ranking Countries’ Impact on Global Innovation” (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, January 2016), We consider a world economy with ongoing innovation in two countries that differ in market size and in their capacity for innovation. 35. [72] In other words, it is not share that matters; it is productivity growth across all sectors. [150]. Many opponents of robust IPR rights view them as antithetical to the interests of developing countries in terms of access to medicines or the provision of national health care services. Ishac Diwan and Dani Rodrik, “Patents, Appropriate Technology, and North–South Trade,” Journal of International Economics 30, no. [47] In contrast, IPR reform has been associated with increased innovative activity, as measured by domestic patent filings, albeit with some variation across countries and sectors. For instance, in 2014, researchers at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands found that, on average, essential medicines are available in public-sector facilities in developing countries only 40 percent of the time. [168] Meanwhile, Japan has long used FIT to provide a range of technical assistance and capacity building to developing countries in the Asia-Pacific and Africa.[169]. Most policymakers, economists, and pundits are well versed in the mantra that free trade boosts global economic welfare. Intellectual property’s relationship with trade is a key front in the IP ideological battle. have argued for weak IP provisions along the lines that weak IP provisions would help the developing nations they are tasked with helping. What the debate around the TPP’s digital IP provisions reveals is that for many IP skeptics, the battle over intellectual property in trade agreements is simply an extension of their opposition to similar domestic laws in the United States and other developed countries. A global EPSCOR could be funded through a number of different mechanisms and stakeholders. This page covers which EU funding programmes you can continue to take part in. Crucial to a global EPSCOR would be a transparent process, an expert review board, and clear rules for country eligibility and project criteria. Second, the text of the TPP shows negotiators were cognizant of exactly this type of criticism when they included a footnote to the title of the trade-secret provision that states the entire provision is “without prejudice to a Party’s measures protecting good faith lawful disclosures to provide evidence of a violation of that Party’s law.”[153] Backing up this “good-faith” intention, the TPP’s transparency and anticorruption chapter includes provisions that state members shall adopt or maintain measures to protect whistleblowers.[154]. Countries that support robust intellectual property rules have used vertical forum shifting in pursuing regional and bilateral trade agreements to account for stasis at WTO and WIPO, and built on work to animate existing rules by focusing on implementation and enforcement capacities (whether bilaterally though IP offices or aid agencies or through WIPO’s technical assistance program). While engagement at these organizations may not necessarily lead to concrete outcomes (and may be an exercise in frustration), officials from the United States and other countries need to remain engaged, as playing effective “defense” is the first step in identifying or creating the opportunities to make the case for better and more effective IP rules and enforcement. JpRz�r�� �3�Wb�2�;:*$yb�ّ��aď ��N��g㏎1�R}�U��rh�A����u���K/��t��Z9� &�����*�SM�G[��{n�tP+j� ��dB�VL�ї��%d��_�SKU��2�#K���`ǁ�!� ��|��0���,��Y걫 �PR�֪z���}�伯=K�U�Hʼ��pwb}*}���Sm�+�]�GV� �M��^�T6�̙L#Ɋ��\�D~,�{ There is an obvious need to ensure intellectual property laws balance protection, enforcement, and access, and consider different economic and societal interests, yet the debate involving IP and human rights is often far removed from nuance and careful analysis; and is usually based on inflamed passion and misinformation. It’s a stalemate. As a result, a global clean energy industry propped up by green mercantilist policies may not only produce near-term growth in lower-quality, higher-cost technologies that cannot compete with fossil fuels without sustained government subsidies, it also makes it much more difficult to develop more advanced and competitive alternatives. [88]  Keith Maskus, "The Economics of Intellectual Property Rights and Globalization: Dancing the Dual Distortion," Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy (2000): 1–89. [57]. Cavazos Cepeda et al. For more information, visit us at While the dynamics and specifics of ideological debates around various facets of intellectual property may differ, opponents of IP can generally be categorized into five major groups: academia, nongovernmental organizations, international organizations, national governments, and individual officials within governments. This essentially cedes the debate to the many vocal and active proponents of weaker intellectual property, and the institutions in which this view has taken hold, allowing them to continue advocating their positions as being in the public interest. [165] Related to this, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office expanded its Office of International Patent Cooperation with a new division that focuses on international outreach. the Center for International Governance Innovation, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Free Software Foundation, Knowledge Ecology International, Medicins Sans Frontieres, the Open Media Organization, Public Knowledge, and the South Centre, among others. These include policies that influence the macro-environment for firms as well as the availability of resources (e.g., related to education), a country’s legal and institutional conditions, and fiscal incentives.[26]. [162]. For instance, the lack of effective protection for intellectual property rights in China has limited the introduction of advanced technology and innovation investments by foreign companies, thereby reducing potential benefits to local innovation capacity. The Way Forward for Intellectual Property Internationally Countries with robust IP rights and protections must recognize that new energy, new tactics, and a new strategy are needed to encourage other nations to contribute more and detract less from global innovation. [67] As Cavazos Cepeda et al. For instance, the Chinese government’s investment of over $160 billion as part of its “2014 National Guidelines for Development and Promotion of the IC Industry,” which seeks to develop a Chinese semiconductor industry heavily backed by government funds, introduces non-market-based competition that has the potential to denude innovative firms’ ability to compete in global markets. Again, the nature of this opposition is not in nuance, evidence, or pragmatism. There are some obvious omissions from the list of FIT donors, such as the United States, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. International Trade Center, Bringing SMEs onto the E-Commerce Highway (Geneva: International Trade Centre, 2016), SMEs onto the e-Commerce Highway_final_250516_Low-res.pdf. Many policymakers, especially those in developing countries, need to move toward an economic framework that focuses and elevates innovation policy and discards the traditional framing of intellectual property as a bargaining chip that countries should hold onto for trade negotiations with developed countries. For instance, analyzing the level of intellectual property protections (via the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness reports) and creative outputs (via the Global Innovation Index) shows that counties with stronger IP protection have more creative outputs (in terms of intangible assets and creative goods and services in a nation’s media, printing and publishing, and entertainment industries, including online), even at varying levels of development.[46]. Given the global nature of these networks, multinational corporations play a key role in driving this type of international innovation, although they are not the sole driver.[19]. [48]. Global Health Workforce Alliance and World Health Organization, “A Universal Truth: No Health Without Workforce,” (WHO, 2014), Protecting IP rights is one of Secretary Locke's and the Department's highest priorities, and for good reason. Cory also had diplomatic postings to Malaysia, where he worked on bilateral and regional trade, economic, and security issues; and Afghanistan, where he was the deputy director of a joint U.S./Australia provincial reconstruction team. In addition, the IP Attaché program works to improve intellectual property systems internationally for … Counties with stronger IP protection have more creative outputs (in terms of intangible assets and creative goods and services in a nation’s media, printing and publishing, and entertainment industries, including online), even at varying levels of development. Yet innovation mercantilism is a zero-sum game: It may bolster a country’s own economy, particularly in the short-term, but usually reduces the global stock of knowledge and innovation. In fact, that is why it is misguided to think that America’s fair-use doctrine, which is based in complex and ongoing judicial interpretations, can simply be exported. 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