sustainable economic growth scotland

Scotland's Economic Strategy sets out how we will deliver on our vision for Scotland. Any data collected is anonymised. The Sustainable Growth Commission was established by the First Minister and Scottish National Party (SNP) leader, Nicola Sturgeon, in September 2016. Introduction The shared purpose of the Scottish Government and its partners is to make Scotland a more successful country, with opportunities for all to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. The unprecedented impact of the COVID–19 outbreak has resulted in necessary changes to priorities across government and across our local authority partners. Scottish Government. The Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal is a unique, cross border collaboration, delivering a multi-million pound investment over 10 years. Through supporting investment, innovation, internationalisation and fairer work, we are encouraging competitiveness and more responsible business behaviour. Scotland’s Economic Strategy (2015 ) sets a clear mission to grow the economy sustainably and inclusively through two mutually supportive ambitions – boosting our competitiveness whilst tackling inequalities. deliver inclusive economic growth; and improves our health and wellbeing. Scotland’s greatest asset in realising this Purpose is its people. We have a strong, dynamic and productive economy which creates wealth and employment across Scotland. This will Productivity growth in Scotland has been much faster in Scotland than in the UK – as measured by output per hour worked. Have a sustainable, inclusive economy with equality of outcomes for all - Scotland's Public Health Priorities - Improving our health and wellbeing - Our areas of work - Public Health Scotland Have a sustainable, inclusive economy with equality of outcomes for all The Scottish Government has made clear that increasing sustainable economic growth with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish is our Purpose. As noted previously, SRUC’s research/impact (from Biggar Economics Report 2016) has supported 2,590 Scottish jobs and 2,930 UK jobs in 2015/16. The second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) will help to deliver the vision, priorities and outcomes for transport set out in the National Transport Strategy (NTS2). out more about cookies, Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills, Fair Work, Employability and Skills Directorate, Scottish National Investment Bank Directorate, a skilled population capable of meeting employers' needs, fair work being central to improving the lives of individuals and their families, maximising opportunities for women and families through actions such as increasing the availability of free childcare and encouraging employers to give equal pay and offer flexible working, supporting carers to balance their caring responsibilities with employment opportunities, reducing inequalities in wealth and health so that no-one is held back from finding fulfilling employment. Scotland’s economic growth remains relatively weak with only a 1.4% increase in 2018, (Fraser of Allander, 2019). Scotland’s Economic Strategy sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for Scotland’s economy and society. out more about cookies, Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to know. 11. Sales of commercial property Actions across the life course to improve health and wellbeing contribute to delivering the Government's overall Purpose of increasing sustainable economic growth. The Economic Strategy is complemented by: Email: Office of the Chief Economic Adviser,, Post:Office of the Chief Economic AdviserSt Andrews HouseRegent RoadEdinburghEH1 3DG, Your feedback will help us improve this site, Find This first NTS2 Delivery Plan sets out the broad actions the Scottish Government is taking to deliver on its vision and priorities out to end-March 2022, taking account of Improving Scotland's health record is both an essential driver of growth … Through the Attainment Scotland Fund we are investing more than £100 million over four years to drive forward improvements on educational outcomes in Scotland's most disadvantaged communities. Accelerating economic recovery and laying the groundwork for an inclusive, greener transport network will be at the heart of future transport investment in Scotland. Since 2007, this Government's central purpose has been to create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. This is the first Statement on Sustainable Economic Growth since forestry became fully devolved to Scotland and Scottish Forestry became a new Scottish Government agency. The Borderlands Partnership has been established to unlock the potential for sustainable and inclusive economic growth across the South of Scotland and North of England. Find Find The membership of the commission was at her invitation under the Chairmanship of Andrew Wilson. Since the start of the recession, productivity has increased by 7.6%, while it has grown by only 0.6% in the UK as a … 30 June 2016, Scotland’s population growth has slowed from 0.6% to 0.2% annual growth, driven by a reduction in net migration as well as a natural population decrease. 4.1 The Scottish Government considers that significant rail investment funds should be deployed by Network Rail in a manner that supports sustainable economic growth in Scotland, including through the creation of secure rail industry employment within Scotland. Through supporting investment, innovation, internationalisation and fairer work, we are encouraging competitiveness and more responsible business behaviour. The Scottish Government is committed to sustainable, inclusive economic growth as part of our ambition for Scotland to flourish through a just transition towards a net zero, wellbeing economy. Scotland's Labour Market Strategysets out our vision for a strong labour market that drives inclusive and sustainable economic growth, characterised by: 1. growing and competitive businesses 2. high employment 3. a skilled population cap… By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Your feedback will help us improve this site, Find In the year to mid-2018, there were 7,700 more deaths than births contributing to depopulation, which … We aim to achieve economic growth in Scotland that is inclusive. This is the first Statement on Sustainable Economic Growth since forestry became fully devolved to Scotland and Scottish Forestry became a new Scottish Government agency. It has approached its … The Strategy advocates a Vision for Scotland’s transport system, that will help create great places – a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system, helping deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses and visitors. This means growth that combines increased prosperity with greater equality, creates opportunities for all, and distributes the benefits of increased prosperity fairly. The Bank’s purpose and objects, as set out in the Bill, support the pillars of Scotland’s Economic Strategy of increasing competitiveness and tackling inequality. In 2014, all sides agreed that Scotland ‘could’ be an independent country. We also use non-essential cookies to help us improve our websites. IB offers sustainable, scalable solutions to the current environmental challenges facing many industries. We aim to create the right environment for more inclusive employment opportunities to flourish. out more about cookies, Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills, Fair Work, Employability and Skills Directorate, Scottish National Investment Bank Directorate, international trade, investment, influence and networks. Scotland’s approach to inclusive growth. Our Economic Strategy sets out how we are: Our Equality and rights topic provides more information about how we are addressing inequality in all areas of life. Scotland’s enterprise agencies play a key role in supporting this agenda: Broadly speaking, the Bank will take a mission-based approach to investment. We are assessing our progress in achieving this by developing new measures and processes to record performance at a regional and local level. Our key actions for achieving inclusive growth are outlined below. Scotland's Labour Market Strategy sets out our vision for a strong labour market that drives inclusive and sustainable economic growth, characterised by: We aim to develop a culture of fair work in Scotland, in which employees feel valued and fulfilled, and jobs are secure and well-paid. This remains the Government's ambition to which all our efforts and actions are directed and is at the core of our Economic Strategy. One of our top priorities is to make Scotland more equal and socially just. out more about cookies, Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to know. Of course, where opinion differed – and continues to diverge – … Our Economic Strategy highlights four key priorities for supporting sustainable economic growth in Scotland: 1. investing in people and infrastructureto safeguard Scotland's future 2. fostering a culture of innovation, entrepreneurshipand research and development 3. stimulating inclusive growthand creating opportunity through a fair and inclusive jobs market 4. promoting Scotland's international trade, investment, influence and networks Our delivery of the Economic Strategy is supported by: 1. the Scottis… We also use non-essential cookies to help us improve our websites. The Sustainable Growth Commission was established by the First Minister and Scottish National Party (SNP) leader, Nicola Sturgeon, in September 2016. It recognises the importance of businesses in creating lasting economic success that also achieves fairness, equality, opportunity and innovation. sustainable growth in the Scottish economy Like much of the wider UK and nearby economies, in Scotland we continue to see challenging economic conditions, particularly in credit availability and business demand. Vision. Industrial Biotechnology (IB) is one of the many faces of innovation in the life sciences world. It has approached its remit through commissioned research, the insights and analysis of its members and through a series of meetings with economically important organisations across Scotland and from independently offered advice and analysis. flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. An individual's socioeconomic background can have a significant impact on their ability to attain higher levels of education. The Scottish Government is persuaded It is accepted, however, that a skilled and opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination • A positive experience for people coming to Scotland • Scotland’s reputation • Scotland’s population • Trust in … Our Economic Strategy highlights four key priorities for supporting sustainable economic growth in Scotland: Our delivery of the Economic Strategy is supported by: Since publishing our first Economic Strategy in 2007, our central purpose has been to create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. IBioIC has over 120 member organisations, working across Scotland, the UK and Europe to find innovative solutions to modern problems. See: The Sustainable Growth Commission has published its report into the economic options open to an independent Scotland. Our Agenda for Cities sets out how we are ensuring that Scotland's cities are powering Scotland's economy for the benefit of all. We are closing the attainment gap by ensuring that all children get the best possible start in life. The Healthcare Quality Strategy will ensure that we maximise the contribution of NHSScotland to the wider Purpose of the Scottish Government to create sustainable economic growth and opportunities for everyone in Scotland to flourish. We are encouraging employers to commit to using fair work practices, such as paying the Living Wage, by signing up to the Scottish Business Pledge. Scotland has one of the strongest economies in the world. Infrastructure investment plays a critical role in creating an inclusive, sustainable economy. The Games is about more than medals, it’s a catalyst for regeneration, innovation and sustainable economic growth. We are promoting equality in the workplace and tackling inequality in the labour market so that everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. This embodies our commitment to delivering Inclusive Growth. The membership of the commission was at her invitation under the Chairmanship of Andrew Wilson. We aim to create the right environment for more inclusive employment opportunities to flourish. Any data collected is anonymised. The Fair Work Framework sets out how this can be achieved. Katherine Trebeck, author of The Economics of Arrival on why Scotland needs to embrace a de-growth agenda. In 1983 President Reagan declared, ‘There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence, imagination and wonder’. We also know that our economy must be environmentally sustainable, inclusive and benefit all our people and communities. Scotland has a big role in sustainable energy ... Scotland is a small nation, but one with a global duty to reconcile environmental protection with sustainable economic growth. uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Scotland – the new case for optimism A strategy for inter-generational economic renaissance In December, I established the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland (ICS) to provide independent advice on the right vision, ambition and priorities for a 30-year strategy for infrastructure in Scotland to meet our future economic growth and societal needs. These are the hallmarks of inclusive and sustainable growth, they build in resilience as standard, by learning the lessons of the past to better prepare for and shape the future. The pages below contain more information about our policies on: Our Economic Strategy considers the dynamics of Scotland's cities, wider regions and rural areas to ensure that success and opportunity is shared across the whole of Scotland. We aim to make Scotland a more successful country, with opportunities for all, through growing our economy in a sustainable (steady and long-lasting) way. secure the recovery and build the foundations for long-term sustainable economic growth. A new hydrogen accelerator at St Andrews University, ScottishPower’s 10-point plan for clean and sustainable economic growth, and a commitment by the Scottish … Through this Outcome we will create the conditions through which to achieve these commitments alongside economic growth. As of October 2016 nearly 300 businesses have signed up. uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. The property industry itself is producing perhaps a third of its former contribution to the economy. The Pledge plays a key role in promoting and encouraging sustainable economic growth. Our Economic Strategy sets out our approach for achieving this, based around increasing competitiveness and tackling inequality. Our National Planning Framework will continue to help create high-quality, diverse and sustainable places that promote wellbeing and attract investment. contributes to sustainable economic growth in the Scottish Economy. The strategy outlines an ambition “to make Scotland a more successful country, with opportunities for all to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.” (Scottish Government, 2015). Achieving this has remained the focus of each subsequent economic strategy. The Fraser of Allander Institute (2019) highlighted that despite the number of hours worked increasing, productivity in terms Its memb… “The Scottish Government is fully committed to tackling air pollution in the quickest time possible. Over 450 Scottish businesses from 23 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities have won contracts to deliver these Games, contributing directly to the infrastructure and services supporting athletes from the 71 Commonwealth nations. Scotland’s Enterprise Agencies. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Skills alone do not hold the key to fully maximising economic performance. Scotland’s Economy is undergoing a long awaited, fundamental shift; from old economy to new, high to low carbon, analogue to digital, driven by data and predictive analytics.