ross hayes kc o'dea

Nicholson R.K. Nome H.E ODonnell M.P. Turner PJ.Turrcll M.T. ColUe T.M. Nie AJ. Stiles M.J. Stiles R.W. Mitchell R.S. Tyacke WJ. Deniet A.W. Moore A.R. McKay C McK*y K.L McKcchnie J. McKenzie B.G. Ameman D.G. Wood K.L Woodhouse C.G. Clark R.B. Stevenson T.W. Donald G.R. Anderson H. Andrews G.A. Tunbridge G.A. Cohen (1849-1933) many times Mayor and Lord Mayor Adelaide. Humphries T.R. Agland P.B. Moms J.A. Grey R.A. Triffilt K.A. Sargent A.L. Paton E. Paton J.R. Patten R.B. roy D.L. R.W. Wood D.C. Wood D.F. Smith K.G. Chairman Royal Commission (1878) on closed roads and member Stephenson J.S. Seton G. K. Seaton K.S. Pascoc J.L. Scott A. Serle P.J. McLellan W.W. McLeod N.R. O'Mara T.M. Flight M.J. Ga- llegos A.J. Swanson R.A. Swanston R.H. Swarbrick RJ. Hallam j.A. Robinson G.M. CharnareUe S.G. Chamberlain E.W. Smith I.W, Smith K.E. McMillan W.G. Wilson M.A. Long D.W. Long P.E. Dencher P.R. Bennett A.F. Donogh R.W. Australian State Premiers – Western Australia, Famous Freemasons; Australian & State Hanigan J.F. Schweitzer J.W. Alexander Watson DSO (1891-1980), grocer, insurance agent and army officer. Warncke W.J.R. (1831-1914) Magistrate, Police Inspector, notable historic photographer, Saul Solomon (1836-1929) early photographer, Alderman Burgess BJ. Good child M.D. Ploenges J.N. Weradly Y.N'. Parker L.S. Benington W. Bennett G.L. Castles D.K. Hart C.W. Shears P.O. McEvoy E.G. Leafe D. Madden W.S. Hoffman W.H. Richards-Pugh J. Riches G.P. Hooton A. Horan D.B. Chamberlain B.R. Kjellgren R.W. Moore W.R Morahan RG. Flecker Botanic Gardens, Cairns, are named in his honour. McCullaeh A.R. Haliday D. Hamann R.L Hamilton G.L. Terry A.E. Hague B.H. Rights League. Coen P.L. Clark D.M. A. PriceB.F. Homewood RJ. Sandiford G.G. Cameron HJ. Proellocks G. Prosser M.B. Holden TJ. Webster M.W. Mahar A.D. Malone E Manning K.A. Smith K.S. Hunter R. Hussey D.M. Maat, A.B. Deane W.R. Dean-. Fischer G.I. P.A. Buerekner R.C. Caleb Soul (1817-1894), druggist Barcham R.E. Hinton T.H. Matthews D.J. Hogbin G.E. and the Australian Football Hall of Fame in 1996, Deverick John “Mick” Harper J. W. Harris P.J. Harrold P. Harrys R.T. Hartshorn J.W. Prowse W.R Prycejones M.J. Pryde J. Pulford G.C. Bowtell H. Braddon EC. Ka R.C. Victoria (1931-1939). Carlyon D.W Car mody G.M. James W.H. Rosenberg K.I. Cavanagh KJ. Brennan P.U Brett R.G. Dibden CR. “. Fallon G.R. Turner J.F. Geary D.R. Stacey E.W. Dore P.T. Barker R.K. Barnard R.G. Boot J.H. Parker B.L. Hog*art J.A. O'Reilly M.P. Victoria No 113 NSWGL, Past Master Lodge Literature No 500 NSWGL, Reginald Vantienhoven B. Varaa A.T. Vasilicv G. Vear R.E. Williams A.P. Lincoln P. Long P.T. Doust C.R. Hooker JJ. Marshall W.F. Sammon VJ. Fahy CJ. Schuback G.R. Ahem F.J. Allchurch K.I. Thomas J.L. Futcher W.J. Linwood L.W. Freight R.S. Butcher M.B. Hayden B.W. Andrews J.H. Lapsley Street Dunlop ACT y,a[d?,aI\ PJ- Harty J W. Hare AJ. Ballantyne R. Banks R.J. Ban kuti J. Barber R.W. Rowe D.J. of the School Board of Advice, the Horticultural Society, and Dutton Park Committees, Bessen R.J. Birch P.A. Leach T.J. Lee R.A. Leggett M.U. Saunders I.R. Warden G.R. Gardam I.R. Quirk DA. Leahy P.M. Leahy TJ. Galati J J. Gallagher R.L Galloway W. Galvin F. Galvin PJ. Spears G.P. Twigden D.E. Russell V.C. Knowler S.J. O'Rourke B.D. Coleman A.J. prosecutor, and politician, MLA, William Lenox D.E. O'Brien G.P. Paterson G.V. Burnett J. Burns B.L Bums LW. Stenchion P.T. Ross A. This was the, Ebenezer Hill R.K. Hills R.R. Dunstan D.B. Illingworth B.M. Ingleby R.W. Watts L.J. Matioo R.D. Lakey G.W. Richter P.M. Rickert R.J. Riddle E.R. of parliament were Freemasons – that would be worth looking into. McCalUJ. Broome A. Callander LM. Kings ton powla Kinnane NJ. Vanpoppel J.H. Perry K.A. Calteja M.M. Meyer D.P. Proctor D.E. Griffiths P.R. Ling A.P. Roby P.H. Fay J.F. Joseph White, JP (?-1939) President Gloucester Council, Henry Gordon Morton JP (1825-1885) engineer, HjwJ.G Hall KJ. Roney R.V. Ward C.A. Cressey J. Cribb. (Soccer). Daley B.J. Godfrey G. Greenwood R.E. Edmonds R.S. Bowles J.CTBox J.E. Ots G. Otto G.D. Oventead D.R. Saunders R.T. Saunderson M P. Savage M.E. Betts B.T. Grannall J.R Grealy W.D. Sams P.A. Aldred N.E Allen C.N. Stewart LR. Scott R.M. McKenna R.J. McKenzie B.N. Scott L.J. Jurd LR. A man of poor HudnoU WJ. Smith H.E. Slater K.S. Owens R.A. Owens R.J. Oxenham J.F. B.H. Downey A.R. O'Leary, J.D. Brown D.E Brown G.B. Davidson G. Davidson J.W. Gan dertonJ.G. SmythM.G. Camm R.W. Perry N.M. Peters M.R. Har- combe A.L. Williams J.H. Chis nall J.F. Australian Lodge of Harmony No 555 English Constitution on 13 March 1878. Arnold J.R. Arthur V.J. Brennan NJ. Portlock A. Potter D.A. Thomasz G.Z. Davies, W.J. where he earned his DSO, Theodore Gordon Walker DSO (1900-1971), army officer and businessman. Potter R.F. Black G.R. Feldman R.W. Bradford R.J. Brazell W.F. Smith V.R.M. Saunders R.F. Wells N.T. Crook J.R. Cros bie HJ. Whit field W.D. Kittyea D.R. Dennis M.J. Deppeler D. DeRooy D.A. Corbett J.A. wick P.G. Enno K.A. Raatz C.L Rayment M.B. Collins M.J. Collins P.F. Connolly O.E. Raymond 'Tony' Lauer, APM, JP (1935- ) was the Commissioner of the New South Wales Howlett W.C. Hunt K.G. Bamford K.G. Brown J.C. Brown J.K. Brown L.D. Buffett D.J. Lines D.R. Escott G.R. Selfe R.J. Shephard P.H. Burdett P.D. Hill J.R. Hill K.E. Heselwood J.E HesJop H.S. McKenrie R.N. Geb-. Mulhall D P. Murray R.E. Ballantyne B.J.H. Round L.D. Sir Stokes J.W. Long K.C. Stewart J.E. Dunlop-Perdriau Rubber Co. Ltd. Sir Stewart A.W. McCaig J.K. McCar tin BJ. Derrick CJ. Robertson RJ. CoxN J. Crabb R. A. Craig G.R. Harri- son G.A. Summers R.J. Tansey M.J. Tate L.E. Brady B.P. Hickton R.C. Pyfe J.D. Halmarick DJ. Good V.M. Keating C.R. Thom W.W. Toms G.E. Erdmanis M. Evans A.F. Dregcr E.E. Ball A.C. Banks AJ. Footner P.R. Garrett A.W. Crowe R.G. Woodford F.B. Conabeer P.R. Mander T.N. Poynton D.M. Anderson L.R. Seibold G.C. Collingwood were gala occasions: He never lost the common tou, ch, and artisans and labourers mourned his death in impressive Mackenzie R.H. Mackie R.B. Wallace T.I. Gamble, M.E Gamble R.E Gameau C.K. O'Hare M.P. Pearson RJ. Hughes P.R. Seery CH. Archer S.W. Bowler K.P. Jones B.K. Lummis K.W. Gianatsis J.L. Cooper P.C. Fenwick D.C. Ferguson K.G. Curtis G.E. Ford M.J. Frazer D.G. Barber R.H. Barclay R.G. No 530 EC (later No 2 UGLV). Carter D.M. into Lodge Neutral Bay No. Foley G. Foran J.A. Bruct C.O. LeBretwn M J. Leach l.D. Hall R. Hall W. Halliday M.A.L. Wallis E.L. Walpole P.A. Nugent S.M. Langford T.W. Johnston G.R. Callow J. Campbell C.R. Tcgan C.F. Benedict N.W. Barry G.E. Crase K.G. Bienell R.M. Keevers E.W. McMasater D.I. McFadden L.E. Ward R.H. Wardle D.J. Smith B.J. mtodaD G. Woodcock P.A. VC DSO with Bar (1872-1955) Victoria Cross Winner, and Australia's longest Wilson A J. Wilson J.D. Russell G.L Smith E. THE CANBERRA TIMES, Saturday, October 3,1992 C17, Alexander G.F. Anderson J.L. Sinclair E.H. Smith P.W. Tucker D.E Tul loch G.A. Winner T.J. Wood B.F. Woods T. Woodyard A.D. Woollard I.LH. Spencc I.W. Irons K. W. Jackson N.R. Weston R.M. Grubb P.A. Cotum W.A. Small R. Telfer J.J. Aitken MJ. Keats G.C. Turner R.J. Turner R.J. Turner R.S. Hay B.F. He&slip A.M. Hodge LG. Baihn R.I. Bailey EJ. Initiated into Freemasonry at Kerrang Ashton DJ. Miller G.P. Graham S.L, Granfelt D.G. MBE (1900-1991), test Minns R.A. Mion L.P. Mitchell B.L Milcheill. Davis J.J. Davis N.G. Saxon K.L. Nicholson T.J. Nickols D.J. Denney A. J. Dennis R.L. Wilson B.R. Andropof N. AnseD M.A. Wed- maier J.N. KuhnC.F. Newton M.D. Sprake R.C Sprogis A. Stanios H. STanley R.M. Roverls CJ. Ranger W.T. Mer-, Milikins N.F. Dunn J.H. Foster W. Fountain WJ. Mungean J.A. Coornbes T.W. (1868-1932), Biographer In 1906 he published his Johns's Notable Australians.