role of animal husbandry in organic farming

In organic farming system, the use of antibiotics, growth promoter, and steroids is strictly prohibited. They are viral, bacterial, parasitic, or fungal diseases. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Standard is an example of a standard covering all of the above areas. The requirements commonly found in organic standards are in the Common Objectives and Requirements of Organic Standards (COROS). For laying hens, a minimum daily rest period of 8 continuous hours without artificial light shall be respected. Suckling mammals must be fed with natural, preferably maternal milk. Building construction provides for insulation, heating, cooling, and ventilation of the building, ensuring that air circulation, dust levels, temperature, relative air humidity, and gas concentrations are within levels that are not harmful to the livestock. Herd animals shall not be kept in isolation from other animals of the same species. The duration of transport of livestock must be minimized to ensure the welfare of the animals. This would prevent the animals from suffering. The ultimate goal of breeding strategies focuses on health, not on improving productivity. In most situations, a system involving grassland and livestock is likely to be the most sustainable system of organic production (Fig. Animals may be fed with vitamins, trace elements, and supplements from natural sources. Particular attention should be paid to housing conditions, husbandry practices, and stocking densities to ensure that the developmental, physiological, and ethological needs of animals are met. Natural and alternative medicines and treatments are unlikely to be effective to cure sickness or injury or are not available to the operator. This refers only to feed for animals that are being produced within the farm unit. Majority of these animals are raised in the conventional, industrial agricultural system, known as confined animal feeding operations. (2004): Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Suffering, including mutilation, must be kept to a minimum during the entire life of the animal, including at the time of slaughter. 4. History of Animal Husbandry. Similar to high yielding plant varieties, these new animal breeds usually depend on a rich diet (concentrates), a huge amount of water and optimal / protected living conditions, because they can be very susceptible to disease. Integrating animal husbandry into crop producing farms is one of the principles of organic farming. Avoidable pain and suffering must be minimized. Ruminants may be fed with organic carried fresh fodder during the grazing season where weather and soil conditions do not permit grazing. Ruminants must be grazed throughout the entire grazing season(s). a cow for 10 lactations - require a very good framework and care for the animal, and having this as a goal reflect such goals of giving the animals sufficient living conditions for living a long life. The beddings need to be replaced from time to time, and can be used in the gardens as compost, which recycles nutrients to the plant and add improves the soil (which e.g. Livestock farming highlighted in organic animal husbandry principles may be a useful strategy to overcome the challenges in sustainability, food security, and food safety of life. In no such case may the percentage of nonorganic feed exceed 10% dry matter per ruminant and 15% dry matter per nonruminant calculated on an annual basis. Animals shall be raised organically from birth. The better the health of the animal, the higher the quality of animal products. pp 89-108 | Organic animal feeding should be mainly based on fodder produced on the farm, and this is an important aspect of the harmonic and well-balanced organic farming systems. Organic animal husbandry fulfils an important role in securing certain public goods. Organic animal husbandry is one of the areas where the skills of organic farmers are most important and most frequently called upon. This is important for their health and wellbeing. Organic livestock production systems allow the combination of food security and sustainability. CONCEPTS OF ORGANIC ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM Dr. Susamoy Mittra Associate Professor Department of Veterinary Parasitology College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences CSK HPKV, Palampur –176 062, H.P. The use of low external input which lessens the cost of production and allows for a sustainable system of production since most materials can be recycled in the farm and also locally available. '... where animals require bedding, adequate natural materials are provided. The disease resistance of local breeds is better than the synthetic breeds. Unless otherwise stated, all content on the Infonet Biovision Website is licensed under a, Animal health promotion, welfare and disease prevention (IFOAM Norms), Organic animal husbandry: Breeding, housing and feeding (IFOAM Norms), What to consider when choosing to keep animals (IFOAM), Human - animal relations in organic agriculture (IFOAM), Disease Prevention (Ticks, Wounds, Vaccination), Holistic disease management and veterinary treatment, Cattle (new with animal welfare standards), Donkeys (new, with animal welfare information), Chicken (new, with animal welfare information), Camels (new, with animal welfare information), Sheep (new, with animal welfare information), Fish farming (new, with animal welfare information), Rabbits (new with animal welfare information), Goats (new with animal welfare information), Pigs (new, with animal welfare information), Geese (New with animal welfare information), Assisting with birth in cattle, goats and sheep (new), Birth and Reproduction complications (new), Young animals: Lamb and Kids problems (new), Tick management and Tick Borne Diseases (new), Diseases Killing very fast - Killer diseases (new), IFOAM Norms for organic production and processing', Organic animal breeding should optimise the overall use of farm animals, with considerations given to the local conditions and available fodder: breeding goals for poultry and cattle breeding, Illustration: Table for comparing the economic performance of two different breeds, Traditional simple sheds in Senegal: cattle shed, goat shed, chicken shed, Bovine and Equine (adults) Cattle/Donkey/Horse, 30-80, donkeys and mules need twice a day 10-25 or as much as they can drink, daily 15-30 or every 5-8 days as much they can drink: up to 100 litres or 1/3 of bodyweight, Poultry (adults) chicken/duck/geese/turkey.