oic meeting on kashmir

As expected, India has promptly rejected the "factually incorrect, gratuitous and unwarranted" OIC reference to Kashmir and regretted that Pakistan had been allowed to use the forum for its campaign against India. It appears that the resolution on Kashmir reflects an effort of Saudi Arabia and UAE to counterbalance the rise of ideological antipathy of the Islamic radicals against the US in the Muslim world – which is something that would bother the Saudis. Although, OIC condemned Indian violation of Pakistani airspace by India, UAE refused to revert invitation to India. Requested the Office of UN OHCHR to continue to monitor and report on the situation of human rights in IOJ&K. Updated: September 1, 2020. The foreign minister and … The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir comprising the nations of Azerbaijan, Niger, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey held an emergency meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 to discuss the latest situation in the Indian occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. This is now within the reach of the Indian army deployed in Ladakh. The liberal-left lobby joining hands with the separatists and practitioners of vote bank politics is trying to build a narrative for the opposition and this is finding some takers among human rights activists and Pak advocacy groups abroad who were propagating that the Modi regime was curbing peaceful protests and free speech in India. The OIC in a twitter statement said that the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and […] Jammu and Kashmir is a border state of India to be defended by our armed forces against the aggression of the China-Pakistan military axis. In February, Pakistan had made a request for holdig an immediate OIC meeting on Lockdown imposed in the Indian held Kashmir and human rights violations such as extra-judicial killing of Kashmir youth and detention of Kashmir leaders. Radio Pakistan said that the ministerial level OIC meeting was expected to be held in Islamabad in April 2020. In the spirit of Never Again, please withdraw from the…, UN Rights Experts Urge India To End Communications Shutdown in Kashmir, 100 Activists Delivered 100K Petition To Gates Foundation, Kashmiri Diaspora Asks Speakers at Gates Goalkeepers Event To Not Sanitize Modi’s Violent Agenda, Justice for All’s Statement on the Anniversary of the Gaw Kadal Massacre, Aasiya Andrabi: Delhi Court Orders Framing of Charges, OIC Condemns, Two Hurriyat Conference leaders arrested in Indian Occupied Kashmir, UN and EU Should Immediately Investigate Fake Pro-India NGOs, Justice For All Demands, Tales of Siege: Screening & Discussion Guide. In December, there were plans to convene a meeting of the foreign ministers of the OIC on Kashmir by Saudi Arabia, in an apparent move by the kingdom to please Pakistan which skipped a recent summit of Muslim nations in Malaysia seen by Riyadh as an attempt to create a new bloc to replace the 57-member grouping led by it. “The meeting is part of a series of continuous Jammu & Kashmir Contact Group meetings to address the issue,” OIC Secretary General Dr Yousef Al-Othaimeen was quoted as saying. Kashmir is a territorial issue between India and Pakistan and a democratic dispensation of India cannot allow Pakistan to base its claim on the Muslim majority logic and, what is worse, try to have its way by infiltrating Mujahideen into the Valley from across the LOC to subvert it in the name of Jehad. Riyadh's support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. ‘No Concern for India’: Experts on Saudi’s OIC Meet on Kashmir. This follows a decision earlier this year in which Saudi Arabia also refused Pakistan’s request to have Kashmir on the agenda of foreign ministers. In a statement, India advised the OIC to refrain from making such references in future … The OIC meeting on Kashmir may now take place in Pakistan An official response from the Ministry of External Affairs is awaited In what seems to be a diplomatic achievement for India, the Ministry of External Affairs has managed to have the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) downgrade the level of participation for the meeting that could take place to discuss the issue of Kashmir. OIC emergency meeting on Kashmir issue The OIC has called an emergency meeting to discuss the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. OIC called emergency meeting of Kashmir contact group on Pakistan's request, the meeting was on February 26, 2019. Nepal to get 500,000 doses of Covid vaccine from China under grant assistance It may be noted that a former General of Pak army heads the CPEC – the cementing bond between China and Pakistan whose main infrastructure is located on the disputed territory of POK. (IANS), We use cookies for analytics, advertising and to improve our site. The OIC, founded in 1967 and consists of 67 countries, is the collective voice of the Muslim world to ensure and safeguard their economic and political interests. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents. Called upon the OIC Member States to raise the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in their bilateral engagements with India with a view to safeguarding the fundamental human rights of the Kashmiri people in the occupied territory, and ensuring expeditious implementation of the relevant UNSC resolutions. Police fire live bullets during anti-military protests in Myanmar; one injured A day after Article 370 was abrogated, Pakistan’s Foreign Office (FO) issued a statement saying that the OIC Contact Group on Kashmir had in an … It is not surprising that the new group of Pakistan, Turkey and Malaysia that is accommodative in respect of radical groups like Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS and is getting increasingly recalcitrant towards the US, had assumed a high profile within OIC – even showing willingness to question the Saudi leadership of the block. The meeting has not been convened so far because the Saudis, who wield a virtual veto in the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, has not supported Islamabad’s move. The 47th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers on November 27-29 at Niamey, Niger, had made a reference to India over its policies on J&K. India has to convince the Saudi-led segment of OIC that India's move in Kashmir was meant to free that state of corruption and bring about its all-round development without discrimination of creed and region. ISLAMABAD: The Kashmir dispute has not been included in the agenda of the two-day meeting of foreign ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) being held in … Expressed concern over India’s intensified ceasefire violations on the Line of Control (LoC). To know more, see our. On the defence front, we have to do three things – match the strength of PLA on the LAC to deal with any border violation, maintain a strong military build-up in Ladakh and pursue a punitive approach towards Pakistan on LOC. On February 9, senior officials of the OIC are meeting in Jeddah to make preparations for the 47 th CFM. OIC called emergency meeting of Kashmir contact group on Pakistan's request, the meeting was held on 26 February 2019. Pakistani FM @SMQureshiPTI said on Wednesday Islamabad expected the Organization … (The writer is a former Director Intelligence Bureau). “The meeting is part of a series of continuous Jammu And Kashmir Contact Group meetings to address the issue,” OIC Secretary General Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen was quoted as saying. Agree to the call made in the OHCHR’s report to establish a Commission of Inquiry to conduct comprehensive independent international investigations on human rights violations. We must actively patrol the Indian Ocean besides joining up with QUAD exercises that were designed to keep the Indo-Pacific region safe from Chinese encroachments. During a virtual meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir held "on the request of Pakistan" on June 22 also, Qureshi had urged the grouping to "step up its efforts" to resolve the Kashmir issue. It knows it had a certain capability for exploiting the domestic scene of India that was beset with 'minority politics' and divisions of caste and region promoted by the anti-Modi parties. Pakistan has since the annexation of occupied Kashmir by India been demanding a special meeting of the OIC foreign ministers on the dispute. The OIC Foreign Ministers conference in Niger leaves no doubt about the plan of Pakistan to keep up cross-border terrorism against India in Kashmir and elsewhere and try to cover up for it by playing the card of Pan-Islamism. “It is expected that the usual resolutions on Kashmir … Rescind its unilateral and illegal actions, and allow the Kashmiri people to freely exercise their right to self-determination through a UN-supervised plebiscite; Halt its human rights violations; stop indiscriminate use of force; lift the unabated military siege and inhuman lockdown; repeal its draconian emergency laws; allow exercise of fundamental freedoms; and release all illegal detainees; Stop any moves towards changing the demographic structure of IOJ&K, as they are illegal and in violation of international law, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention; Provide unhindered access to the OIC, IPHRC and UN Fact Finding Missions, OIC Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir, and international media to investigate into human rights violations in IOJ&K; and. OIC Secretary General Secretary General Dr Yousef Al Othaimeen was quoted as saying that the meeting would discuss a “list of topics and issues of concern to the Muslim world.” The report of the Secretary General of OIC gave an international spin to the issue of Jammu and Kashmir by contending that "the decision of the Indian government to change the demographic and geographic composition of the territory and the continuous blockade and restrictions together with human rights abuses, had awakened renewed efforts of the world community towards a resolution of the conflict". India as a major power of Asia with a significant say in world affairs and global peace has come out of any inhibitions of the Cold War era and is now seeking bilateral or even multilateral relationships on consideration of mutual benefits in the economic and security spheres. ANKARA – The Kashmir dispute is back on the agenda of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the largest Muslim body – as the group holds emergency meeting on the situation in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir (hereby Kashmir). The OIC, founded in 1967 and consists of 67 countries, is the collective voice of the Muslim world to ensure and safeguard their economic and political interests. ISLAMABAD: The Organisation of Islamic Conference Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir has called upon the OIC member states to raise the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in their bilateral engagements with India with a view to safeguarding the fundamental human rights of the Kashmiri people in the occupied territory, and ensuring expeditious implementation of the relevant UN … The regime change in US could have made the Saudi Arabia-UAE leadership keen on taking all members of OIC along by allowing the passage of a resolution on Kashmir – an issue presented by Pakistan as a Muslim project. In the Communiqué, unanimously adopted, by the Contact Group: (22 August 2019) – UN human rights experts* today called on the Government of India…, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 16, 2019 CONTACT: Jeff Philips 708-299-4847 JPhilips@kivvit.com HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES DELIVER…, Narendra Modi is destroying lives. That such an accord did materialize also showed the Saudi awareness of the hostility that emanated from an Iran ruled by the Ayatollahs and the advantage that a friendly Israel brought to Saudi Arabia in this regard. There is no gainsaying the fact that the alignments within the Muslim world sharpened during the Trump Presidency for the reasons that Donald Trump made his innate sense of intolerance towards radicals and extremists very clear and that he wanted his principal allies Saudi Arabia and UAE to have a peace pact with Israel. Internal Intelligence is becoming more important by the day – fortunately our Intelligence agencies are well geared to their task and are able to keep the policy makers fully informed of the doings of disruptive forces on our soil. OIC advised restraint to Pakistan and India. On Sunday, India hit out at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for making factually incorrect and unwarranted references to Jammu and Kashmir. Requested the OIC Secretary General to highlight the worsening situation in IOJ&K at various international fora including the UN and call for immediate steps for amelioration of humanitarian situation and peaceful resolution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute. Reaffirmed its support for the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination and freedom from Indian occupation; Emphasized that the question of Kashmir was of utmost importance for the Muslim Ummah; Rejected the newly-notified “Jammu & Kashmir Reorganization Order 2020” and “Jammu & Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate Rules 2020” aimed at changing the demographic structure of IOJ&K; and. The Kashmir dispute has not been included in the agenda of the two-day meeting for foreign ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) being held in Niger’s capital Niamey on Friday. India must have a close look at the geopolitical trends developing within the Muslim world – because of the impact of US there, the Shia-Sunni divide and the enlargement of Sino-Pak friendship into a military alliance. In a striking development, the annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), held at Niger's capital Niamey on November 27-28, has unanimously recorded its disapproval of the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution by our Parliament and the other steps taken by India in regard to Jammu and Kashmir since then. 26 November, 2020 The 47th meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will be held today in the capital of the Republic of Niger. The OIC is an organization of 57 Muslim-majority countries aimed at resolving the mutual problems of the Muslim Ummah and enhancing cooperation. Saudi Arabia is definitely concerned with the spread of Islamic radicalism that was already targeting it and also with the role of countries like Yemen and Qatar in its neighbourhood. The report of USCC on China submitted to the US Congress has held Chinese 'planning' responsible for the Galwan incident and thus indicated American convergence with India on the latter's stand on LAC. Interestingly, the theme of the conference was 'Unity against Terrorism for Peace and Development' that implicitly focused on Islamic radicalization and put Pakistan in an unfavourable light in the eyes of the world outside because of its reputation as a country that fostered Islamic militant outfits. The OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir has met thrice in the past 15 months, Chaudhri said, adding that a meeting of the group with foreign ministers was held in June this year. Pakistan will hold a ministerial meeting of the 57-member Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Jammu and Kashmir in April 2020, said official media in Islamabad. To add to the impact of the Pak-driven resolution on Kashmir, the Niamey declaration "reiterated the OIC's principled position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute for a peaceful settlement in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions". Pakistan, which has illegally occupied parts of the Indian UT of Jammu and Kashmir, has been demanding a special meeting of the OIC foreign ministers on the Kashmir issue for a very long time now. Requested the Humanitarian Department of OIC to examine and analyse the egregious violations of human rights and humanitarian standards in IOJ&K – with particular reference to the COVID-19 pandemic – with a view to evolving ways and means to address its gravity and adverse impact on the lives and livelihoods of Kashmiris. It may be mentioned that the President of the POK also attended the meet along with Qureshi. Also, Indo-US strategic partnership is likely to remain strong under the Biden Presidency as it is a lasting requirement for both the countries. And this precisely is the point on which India must debunk the Pak lobby's effort to fault the handling of Kashmir by the Modi government. On Monday. The reluctance shown for calling a special OIC meeting on Kashmir amply explains it. Geopolitically, this was meant to represent the stand of all Muslim majority countries of the world. The Biden administration has to be briefed at various levels on the character of the Kashmir issue and convinced of the growing contradiction between a rising Communist dictatorship that was in league with a state wedded to Islamic extremism and radicalism on one hand and the security of the democratic world led by US and India, on the other. Amid the reports that the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting in Niger was abandoning the Kashmir issue, the foreign ministers of the member states have unanimously expressed their support for Kashmir cause, asking India to rescind the controversial article 370 abrogation in the contested territory, according to the government of Pakistan. Emergency OIC Contact Group Meeting On Jammu And Kashmir. You agree to our use of cookies by continuing to use our site. In a striking development, the annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), held at Niger's capital Niamey on November 27-28, has unanimously recorded its disapproval of the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution by our Parliament and the other steps taken by India in regard to Jammu and Kashmir since then. Far more than an external aggression, what threatens India is the combination of Pak proxies, anti-India lobbies within and outside the country and enemy agents out to create internal conflicts for destabilizing this country. More specifically, the human rights violations being carried out by India in the region, which the Muslim body had previously condemned. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi arrived in Niger to attend the OIC Summit. Srinagar, June 22 (KNS): The Contact Group of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Jammu and Kashmir held a virtual meeting today against the backdrop of the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, a statement said. As India awaits the full exposition of Joe Biden's foreign policy as President, it has put in motion the right strategy of a three-pronged dimension – renewed interactions with the US administration at various levels such as Intelligence, diplomacy and think-tank exchanges, outreach to India's neighbours to create a grid of understanding about the long- range consequences of the vicious Sino-Pak combine and a close examination of the goings-on in the Muslim world in order to counter the machinations of Pakistan there. Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in an unusually sharp warning asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Wednesday to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir. However, the OIC members countries have overlooked Pakistan's requests so far. It seems Saudi Arabia did resist the concerted attempts of Pakistan, a founder member of OIC, to raise the subject of Kashmir on this platform and in deference to India, had kept this issue excluded from an otherwise comprehensive agenda of the Niger conference that covered a host of matters like Palestinian cause, fight against violence, extremism and terrorism, situation of Muslim minorities, case of Rohingyas and Isamophobia. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC) Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir comprising the nations of Azerbaijan, Niger, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey held an emergency meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020 to discuss the latest situation in the Indian occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. It may be recalled that Pakistan has been demanding a meeting of OIC foreign ministers since India changed the constitutional status of Jammu & Kashmir last year. China knows it has to reckon with a new India under Prime Minister Modi and cannot take this country for granted. A resolution sponsored by Shah Mahmood Qureshi, the Pak Foreign Minister, who was known to have ceaselessly worked on Saudi Arabia and UAE leadership to get them to support Pakistan against India on Kashmir, said that "the OIC categorically rejected illegal and unilateral actions taken by India since 5 August 2019" and demanded that India "cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris and amendments to land ownership laws".