nato command structure adaptation

The Strategic Foresight Analysis 2017 is the only NATO report of its kind and is a shared vision for the future authored by Allied Nations, Partner Nations, academia, and industry to foster a common understanding of the future that NATO expects to face out to 2035. During the report development process, we will invite and will provide opportunity for national input and collaboration. Norfolk VA 23551-2490, Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs Office As a key part of the NATO Command Structure Functional Adaptation (NCS-FA), NATO is launching a New Governance Model (NGM) for the development of its Common Funded Capabilities. After this the fullFramework for Future Alliance Operations-2018 Report will be transmitted to stakeholders for red-line comments. The Economics/Resources webinar saw Economic and Security experts on China, Europe, the US, and Russia offer insights into the short-term and medium-term configuration of the global economy in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and what we might expect through the decades up to 2040. Work is currently underway to develop the next version of the Strategic Foresight Analysis Report scheduled for publication in late 2021. A wide variety of drivers could lead to instability situations resulting in the Alliance’s decision to employ military forces. NATO member nations have been united in their goal of protecting their nations, people and values since the Alliance’s creation in 1949. Allied Command Transformation explores emerging trends and technologies, supports current and future operations, increases interoperability and readiness, and mitigates the risk of strategic surprise. HQ SACT’s policy is to adapt to the COVID pandemic environment as best possible to continue our important work. The opening session was followed by panel sessions over the next two days with distinguished speakers and moderators from governments, academia and think tanks. Olaf Theiler - Future Analysis Branch, Bundeswehr Planning Office, Framework for Future Alliance Operations Workshop #6: Military Implications12-13 November 2014 Brussels, BelgiumInvitation Letter ~ Administrative Notes ~ Read Ahead ~ Military Implications in Brief, Framework for Future Alliance Operations Workshop #5: Strategic Military Perspectives11-12 June 2014 Amsterdam, the NetherlandsInvitation Letter ~ Administrative Notes ~ Read Ahead ~ Final Report, Framework for Future Alliance Operations Workshop #409-10 April 2014, Budapest, HungaryPostponement Letter ~ Administrative Notes ~ Final Report, Framework for Future Alliance Operations Workshop #3: Broad Strategic Insights25-26 September 2013, Izmir, TurkeyAdministrative Notes ~ Agenda ~ Read Ahead ~ Syndicate Debriefs - Final Report, Framework for Future Alliance Operations Workshop #2: Military Implications in a Complex Security Environment10-11 July 2013, Oberammergau, GermanyAdministrative Notes ~ Agenda ~ Read Ahead, Framework for Future Alliance Operations Workshop #1: Ensuring a Mission Ready Alliance20-21 February 2013, Copenhagen, DenmarkAdministrative Notes ~ Agenda ~ Read Ahead ~ Final Report, NATO Headquarters 4 Forces from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands maintain a habitual relationship and can operate as an integrated United Kingdom Netherlands Amphibious Force (UKNLAF). The participants were also requested to identify potential Subject Matter Experts that could support the Regional Perspectives workshops and reports. Strategic Foresight Analysis Reports provide a wide-ranging shared understanding of the future security environment that is expected to unfold over the long-term horizon. 2020 Adaptation, the ability to adjust to new political and military challenges, is what defines NATO. Joint Force Training Centre ALL YOUR PAPER NEEDS COVERED 24/7. ---, Emerging Risks and Disruptive Trends in (Global) Supply Chain NetworksDipl.-Ing. Password should be requested to the Workshop organizers. This process will provide an example of using technology and innovative approaches in staff processes, and of testing new ground to make an end product that adds value to NATO and Nations. RAdm Tammen described how the Alliance faces a range of security challenges and threats that originate both from the east and from the south; from state and non-state actors; from military forces and from terrorist, cyber, or hybrid attacks. Building on the discussions at the previous Strategic Foresight Analysis workshop in Cadiz, Spain, the aim of this workshop was to set the foundation for the three Regional Perspectives Workshops that are planned for 2019; respectively on North Africa, Russia and Eastern Europe, and the Arctic/High North. The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will take part in a fireside chat with Ms. Rose Gottemoeller, Payne Distinguished Lecturer at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University, and a former NATO Deputy Secretary General. While there are positive trends in North Africa and the Sahel economically, socially, and technologically, they will not overcome the inertia of more challenging and longer-term problems, leaving the region struggling with instability and stagnation over the next two decades. However, NATO military forces could seize many opportunities in the future, including building and strengthening relationships, capitalising on innovative technology, ideas to maintain the military edge, as well as understanding and influencing the human aspects of conflict. GEN Ruggiero emphasised the importance of holding such workshops, as they are an imperative to facilitate the discussion and interaction between NATO Command Structure and Agencies, NATO and Partner Nations, NATO COEs, International Organizations, Industry, Think Tanks and Academia on developments in regions relevant to NATO and Euro-Atlantic security. This will apprise leaders and influencers of the dynamic and complex future security environment and identify challenges and opportunities to peace and security that lie on the horizon and beyond. Additionally, Mrs. HQ Allied Commander Transformation is pleased to report the findings of the Strategic Foresight Analysis (SFA) North Africa and the Sahel Regional Perspectives Workshop held at the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN) in Madrid, Spain on 2-4 April 2019. Overall, the future security environment through 2035 and beyond will likely be increasingly complex and present both challenges and opportunities to NATO’s military forces. The Assads experienced mild symptoms and will continue working during quarantine, his office said. The morning session concluded with a short lead-in briefing focused on the aim, objectives and desired outcomes of the first breakout sessions on North Africa.Over the following two days, participants worked in breakout sessions along the five themes of the Strategic Foresight Analysis (Political, Human/Social, Technology, Economics/Resources, and Environment) to analyse trends and implications, and to identify key areas, concerns, issues for the different regions. “NATO must devote much more time, political resources, and action to the security challenges posed by China – based on an assessment of its … The purpose of the Framework for Future Alliance Operations Report is to identify the required characteristics and abilities that NATO forces need to develop over the next 20 years to retain the military edge and the ability to prevail in future operations; address and respond to future challenges and surprises; and seize upon future opportunities. Finally, the workshop concluded with closing remarks provided by Col Tibor Szabo, Allied Command Transformation, Strategic Foresight Branch, branch head. The last day consisted of out-briefs and discussion commencing in a plenary session. With this profile in mind, but unbounded by military strictures or the subliminal requirement to be “realistic”, the authors began a journey of envisioning the future, and exploring and imagining how technology and trends could affect future operations. The panel discussed future environmental concerns for the Alliance, including how the environment could be impacted by climate change, the expected population growth, natural and man-made disasters, food and energy needs, water scarcity and pollution as we progress towards 2040. The 2017 Report, released October 2017,  builds upon the Strategic Foresight Analysis 2013 and 2015 Update Reports. These events proved as successful as in-person conferences, with attendance consisting of approximately 100 participants from HQ NATO, NATO and Partner Nations, NATO Centres of Excellence, international organizations such as the EU/EC, think tanks, academia and industry at each webinar. The overall purpose of Long-Term Military Transformation is to describe the trends, future security challenges, potential opportunities and the related military implications that shape the future security environment, and to recommend the abilities that NATO forces may need to address them. ACT draws from the benefits of cooperation and preserves the military edge to position the Alliance to deter, and as needed defeat, all potential adversaries. The text version is available here. ‘Robust, Agile Command Structure’ “A key component to NATO’s adaptation is a robust and agile command structure,” Pavel said. In most areas, the Sahel will continue to lag behind the countries in North Africa in terms of modernization, integration, security and stability, and economic development. Joint Analysis & Lessons Learned Centre, Allied Command Transformation It provides an iterative assessment of trends and their implications to understand and visualise the nature of the dynamic and complex security environment. Strategic Foresight Analysis Workshop on the Future Security Environment in North Africa and the Sahel. The French Armed Forces (French: Forces armées françaises) encompass the Army, the Navy, the Air and Space Force, the National Guard and the Gendarmerie of the French Republic.The President of France heads the armed forces as chef des armées.. France has the sixth largest defence budget in the world and the first in the European Union (EU). During the Human theme, the main trends discussed by the panel of SMEs were demographic transition, international migration, uncontrolled urbanization, vertical and/or horizontal inequality, effects of technology on human actions. It addresses also the respective ministries and agencies, the embassies in Berlin and the national and international companies. The five webinars occurred on the following dates: Each webinar commenced with DCOS SPP, RADM Tammen, and the Strategic Foresight Branch Head, COL Wolhram, providing an opening welcome, instructions and theme overviews. These documents are the Strategic Foresight Analysis and the Framework for Future Alliance Operations. The aim of the webinars was to examine the SFA 2017 Report trends and implications across each of the five themes in order to determine their on-going relevance. The Framework for Future Alliance Operations is a document that seeks to identify the abilities of a future Alliance pool of forces to meet the potential demands of the security environment from today through to the foreseeable future, 2035 and beyond. It is clear from the workshop discussions that there are numerous diverging views and interests on these trends, implications, and their potential outcomes in the next twenty years. The world is transforming at an exponential pace and the Alliance needs to understand what/how things are going to affect the future security environment that will shape the world. The event will take place on Tuesday, 09 March 2021, and is organised by CISAC in the context of their European Security Initiative lecture series. Topics for the panels were: Each of these panel sessions were followed by plenary discussion Q&A sessions to fine tune and discuss the findings.Overall, the most important aspect and ultimate success of the workshop was the ability to gain a shared perspective from not just Alliance nations, but so many experts from external agencies and organizations. The foundational hypothesis for this project is that leveraging the rich tradition of futurist storytelling will assist innovative and transformational thinking. By doing that, we improve the awareness, understanding and unity of effort among the members of the Alliance in order to strengthen the Alliance’s capabilities to address the challenges of today and tomorrow. He also mentioned the ongoing efforts related to implementation of the NATO Command Structure (NCS) Adaptation. 20:00 (CET) / 11:00 (PST)             Conversation between the Secretary General and Rose Gottemoeller, followed by Q&A with an online audience, General queries SME moderators then took over to orchestrate the webinar’s two panels of discussions. +1 (757) 747-3600 The Framework for Future Alliance Operations is designed to improve the Alliance’s long-term perspective of the future security environment to support and inform the NATO Defence Planning Process, as well as other NATO and national processes that require an assessment of the long-term future. There were more than 130 participants in total from NATO and Partner Nations, NATO international staff, NATO command structures and agencies, COEs, the EU and EDA, industry and academia. This anthology is the result of that journey.These stories will incite inventive thinking and discussion about future possibilities and add to the toolbox that the Alliance military and others can leverage to imagine and contemplate how NATO will undertake operations in the coming decades. The purpose of these reports is to contribute to a better visualization and understanding of the future security environment in regions relevant to NATO and Euro-Atlantic security and inform the development of the next versions of the Strategic Foresight Analysis and Framework for Future Alliance Operations. The aim of the game was to allow participants to explore a potential future scenario out to the next two decades to identify trends and their implications while encouraging strategic conversation to reduce uncertainty. Older events are available in the archive sections below: NATO'S Long-term Military Transformation Workshops Archive. Then the workshop participants broke down into small syndicates for facilitated syndicate work to address the core question: In 2035 and beyond, what abilities will NATO forces require in the areas of prepare, project, engage, sustain, C3, protect, and inform in order to accomplish NATO core tasks? Russia's aggressive actions, including provocative military activities in the periphery of NATO territory, and its demonstrated willingness to attain political goals by the threat and use of force, are a source of regional instability, fundamentally challenge the Alliance.’ He stated that SFA/FFAO provide a unique added value by supporting the development of a shared understanding of the strategic future security environment, describing the most significant political, social, technological, economic and environmental trends, and their relevant military and security implications for the Alliance, out to the next two decades.’. Following a brief overview of the relevant trends and implications within the region, GEN Ruggiero closed with a very salient point; the Arctic of today can no longer be assumed to be the Arctic of the future, too much is changing, too rapidly. The consequences of these insights will be the illumination of the challenges of global economic and social inequality, defense spending and other economic security issues that will drive the discussions about upcoming trends NATO must be prepared to address. According to our timeline the Framework for Future Alliance Operations Report will be Bi-SC approved at mid-March. Moving forward with this project the Framework for Future Alliance Operations team will incorporate recommended changes into the draft Chapter 3 of the document. The workshop began with a plenary session for introductory remarks, discussion of workshop concept and objectives, survey results, and discussion of applicable lessons learned. 21 YEARS OF RUSI CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE STAFF LECTURES The glossy print version is available by clicking the link on the left. Suite 100 The NATO Legal Gazette is an educational outreach publication produced by the HQ SACT Legal Offices in Norfolk and Staff Element Europe co-located at SHAPE in Mons, Belgium..