male and female gametophyte

Each pollen grain is reduced to two or three cells in a waxy protective coat. (A) Male gametophyte. The tube cell is required to carry the two male gametes, both of which take part in fertilization. These grains have winglike structures that allow the wind to carry them up the tree to the female cones. Largely independent. In each antheridium numerous male gametes (antherozoids = sperms) are produced, but in each archegonium only one large single egg cell is produced (ovum). b. the male gametophyte. (b) Female gametophyte: The megaspore is the first cell of the female gametophyte. a. embryo b. seed coat g. food supply. a. embyro b. seed coat c. megasporangium d. pollen grain e. ovule f. megaspore g. food supply. The male cone produces tiny amounts of pollen grains that become the male gametophyte. It is in the haploid gametophyte structure that gametes are formed. Female gamete is attached to the parent plant. The generative cell ultimately divides to yield two sperm cells well after pollination takes place. Male and female gametophytes of angiosperms. This figure shows a two-celled pollen grain consisting of a tube cell and a generative cell. Female Cone: The female cones resemble with the male cones except in some definite aspects. within the megaspore. The remains of male gametophyte disinte­grate after fertilization. b. the male gametophyte c. the female gametophyte d. the sporophyte. 7. A single ring of 4-10 female flowers or ovules is present just above each collar (Fig. All the cells of the male gametophyte are functional. 13.15). The term gametophyte may refer to the gametophyte phase of the plant life cycle or to the particular plant body or organ that produces gametes. It … 1. What are the main components of a mature gymnosperm seed? Only a few of the ovules develop into mature seeds (Fig. In typical case, the functional lowermost megaspore gives rise to 8-nuclcate embryo sac. One of the two sperm cells released by the generative cell fuses with the egg, forming a diploid zygote that divides to form the embryo. 13.15B). The sperm cells which are foreseen of flagella can reach the female gametophyte by means of a drop of (rain)water. 8. These male and female sex cells, also known as eggs and sperm, unite during fertilization to form a diploid zygote. Between these two alternations of generation, the haploid gametophyte phase lasts longer or dominates the diploid saprophytic phase. The lowermost megaspore enlarges and produces an embryo sac. 6. Not enclosed in an ovule. The embryo is: a. diploid b. haploid Identify AND Define: (male gametophyte tissue, antheridia with sperms inside; paraphyses (sterile filaments) c. Moss mature capsule Identify AND Define: (capsule, spores, operculum (cap), seta) d. FERNS. The difference between the female gametophyte of pteridophytes and gymnosperms are:Female gametophyte of Pteridophyte Female gametophyte of Gymnosperm Distinct female gamete may not be present Distinct female gamete is always present. Identify AND Define: (female gametophyte tissue, archegonium with an egg inside the venter) b. Moss antheridium. In all angiosperms, development of female gametophyte is endosporous, i.e. Pollen grains consist of two or three cells at the time they are released from the plant. In the young condition, there is hardly any external difference between female and male cones. The male gametophyte is only 3-ceiled. Gametophytes (male and female gametes) are developed by the heterosporous (two types) bryophytes, where one kind of spore develops a male gametophyte, while the other develops a female gametophyte. The male gametophyte lands on the female cone, forming a pollen tube through which the generative cell travels to meet the female gametophyte. Female Gametophyte: 1.