libya timeline of events

1999 - Lockerbie suspects handed over for trial in the Netherlands under Scottish law; UN sanctions suspended; diplomatic relations with UK restored. As requested by Mitri, Council members issued a press statement on 23 June welcoming the elections as an important step towards stable democratic governance. On 14 March, the Council unanimously adopted resolution 2095, extending UNSMIL’s mandate by 12 months and the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee for 13 months (S/PV.6934). 6:17 a.m. Eastern time. She also deplored the slow progress in former intelligence chief Abdullah Al-Senussi’s trial after the Court ruled in October 2013 that his case was being investigated by Libya, thus making it inadmissible before the ICC. No action was taken. In light of recent developments, Mitri touched upon the security situation in Libya, the impact of the recently approved political isolation law and the regional challenges the country is currently facing. Secretary-General António Guterres briefed. The Security Council imposed sanctions on Libya following the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. France, the UK and the US began to carry out strikes. On 9 December, the Council was briefed by Special Representative Tarek Mitri on UNSMIL and by the chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Eugéne-Richard Gasana (Rwanda). Bloody day in Myanmar's main city sees 14 killed. 1995 - Gaddafi expels some 30,000 Palestinians in protest at the Oslo accords between the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Council members reaffirmed that “such acts are unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed”, in a press statement. 'We women are pushed out of work because of childcare' Video'We women are pushed out of work because of childcare', The art dealer, the £10m bronze and the Holocaust, Grammys 2021: Seven things to look out for, How scientists got a very rare toad to breed. London police criticised after breaking up vigil, US disaster agency to help with child migrant surge. Mitri referred to “a mounting sense of a probable imminent and significant escalation in the conflict” in Libya. On 20 June, the Council issued a press statement expressing its concern about the recent acts of violence in Benghazi, as well as the continued arbitrary detentions without access to due process of thousands of persons held in illegal detention centres. Dec 30, 1992. OCHA head Valerie Amos announced the establishment of a UN humanitarian presence in Tripoli following her visit there with a high-level UN delegation that included the Special Envoy for Libya, Abdel-Elah Al-Khatib. It further called upon all UN member states to fully respect the arms embargo. 2012 January-March - Clashes erupt between former rebel forces in Benghazi in sign of discontent with the NTC. He blamed the leaderships of the House of Representatives and the General National Congress for delaying a vote on the outcome of the dialogue process. The political leadership of the anti-Qaddafi movement organised itself as the Interim Transitional National Council in Benghazi. On 27 January, Council members condemned the terrorist attack against the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli which resulted in several deaths and injuries (SC/11754). On 4 March, Special Representative Bernardino León briefed the Council on the UNSMIL report (S/2015/144). 2010 October - European Union and Libya sign agreement designed to slow illegal migration. The meeting focused on efforts under way to reach an inclusive and sustainable political settlement in Libya. Rida Al Tubuly, director and co-founder of Together We Build It, briefed Council members as a representative of Libyan civil society. 2003 January - Libya is elected chairman of the UN Human Rights Commission despite opposition from the US and human rights groups. On 20 March, the Council was briefed by the Special Representative and head of UNSMIL, Ghassan Salamé, and the Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany, Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, who chairs the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee. Islamic State extremist militia seizes control of port of Derna in eastern Libya. During informal consultations, Council members discussed taking action under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to impose deterrent measures against the Libyan regime. The Contact Group met at the level of political directors in Istanbul on 25 August and in Doha on 24 August. Libya's Magarief tells NBC's Today show that the attack was a pre-planned act of terrorism "directed against American citizens." Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdulaziz also addressed the Council, calling for the establishment, under Chapter VII, of a UN stabilisation and institution-building mission for Libya. Ibrahim Dabbashi, the deputy permanent representative at the Libyan mission to the UN, publically broke from Qaddafi’s regime, reporting the regime’s use of mercenaries to quell demonstrations. Council members subsequently issued elements to the press and reiterated their full support to the action plan and for Salamé’s leadership in the process. On 17 December 2014, Olivier Nduhungirehe (Rwanda) briefed the Council on the steps taken by the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee to ensure compliance by member states with the sanctions regime (S/PV.7345), followed by consultations. The Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany, Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, briefed the Council on Libya sanctions in his capacity as chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committees. In an informal interactive dialogue held afterwards, Mogherini discussed the need for a resolution that would authorise an EU operation to use all necessary measures to inspect, seize and dispose of vessels when there are grounds to believe that they are participating in the smuggling of migrants. A press statement issued by the Council following the 17 July meeting condemned the violence in Libya and expressed concern over the “prolonged pattern of politically motivated and inter-militia violence” (SC/11479). 1981 - US shoots down two Libyan aircraft which challenged its warplanes over the Gulf of Sirte, claimed by Libya as its territorial water. 1951 - Libya becomes independent under King Idris al-Sanusi. In a 13 May briefing to the Council, International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda insisted that Libya should immediately surrender Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, son of deposed leader Muammar Qaddafi, to the Court (S/PV.7173). Briefing the Council on 11 November, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda highlighted how political instability and the worsening of the security situation “clearly cannot be conducive to closing the impunity gap in Libya” (S/PV.7306). 2014 February - Protests erupt in response to the General National Congress refusal to disband after mandate expires. Mitri presented the latest UNSMIL report highlighting the internal and regional dynamics that continue to place a huge strain on the political processes in Libya, as well as the deteriorating security situation. A 19 August press statement condemned the terrorist attacks in Sirte. The resolution lifts the requirement that the Sanctions Committee approve the use of non-lethal military equipment and assistance for humanitarian or protective use. On 7 March the Special Representative of the Secretary-General presented the Secretary-General’s latest report to the Council . The United States restored diplomatic ties with Libya and removed Libya from its list of state-sponsors of terrorism. 1920s - Libyan resistance grows as Senussi dynasty joins in alongside the Mukhtar campaign. IS establishes control over port-city of Sirte, halfway along coast between Tripoli and Benghazi. 1994 - Libya returns the Aozou Strip to Chad. Qatar recognised the Benghazi Interim National Council. It also removes the need for notification to the Committee of non-lethal military equipment being supplied to the government for security or disarmament assistance. On 9 October, the Council adopted resolution 2240 authorising the interdiction of vessels used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking on the high seas off the coast of Libya (S/PV.7531). Earlier that month, on 2 December, the Council unanimously adopted resolution 2022, extending the mandate of UNSMIL until 16 March and tasked the mission to assist the Libyan authorities in addressing the threats of proliferation of all arms and related material. Originally scheduled for 27 March as the bimonthly briefing and consultations on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions, the meeting was rescheduled and the format was changed in line with adjustments to the Council’s working methods due to the impact of COVID-19. The resolution also implemented an arms embargo, a travel ban, and an asset freeze. He presented the 12 February report of the Secretary-General. 2002 14 March - The Libyan man found guilty of the Lockerbie bombing, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, loses his appeal against the conviction and begins a life sentence of at least 20 years. He also transmitted the Panel’s concern over arms proliferation within Libya and the increasing reports of arms trafficking to Syria by sea and air. Libya 2011-Timeline of Events. A subsequent communiqué expressed concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation, stressed the need for an immediate and verifiable ceasefire and the need for a political solution to the conflict. It begins with a series of peaceful protests, similar to others of the Arab Spring, later becoming a full-scale civil war between the forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi 's government and the anti-Gaddafi forces. The Commission of Inquiry presented its first report in which it concluded that crimes against humanity and war crimes had been committed by Tripoli. As a result of the attack, the head of the Presidency Council Serraj suspended its Defence Minister-designate Mahdi al-Barghathi and Third Force commander Jamal Traiki while an investigation is conducted. The Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry visited Libya. On 19 April, Special Representative Martin Kobler briefed the Council on the latest Libya report . It begins with a series of peaceful protests, similar to others of the Arab Spring, later becoming a full-scale civil war between the forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi's government and the anti-Gaddafi forces. In the south, despite several attempts to broker local ceasefires, intermittent clashes between Tabu and Tuareg militias have continued. Khatib briefed the Council and said that both Benghazi and Tripoli wanted a ceasefire but there remained fundamental differences regarding any political process which the TNC has linked to Qaddafi’s departure. June 6, 2012: An IED explodes outside the Benghazi consulate compound. 711 Third Avenue, Suite 1501 The next day the Secretary-General said a Libyan ceasefire could not be verified. During the same briefing, the chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee presented the final report of the Panel of Experts . Three days later, the NTC declares Libya to be officially "liberated" and announces plans to hold elections within eight months. The chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Hussein Haniff (Malaysia), presented the report of the Panel of Experts. Timeline of events in Libya. © 2021 BBC. The 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee met on 19 May to discuss the recommendations in the final report of the Panel of Experts. Resolution 2174 adopted on 27 August imposed sanctions on individuals and entities obstructing or undermining the successful completion of the political transition and tightened the arms embargo. Before moving to consultations, all 15 Council members made public statements. 1973 - Col Gaddafi declares a "cultural revolution", which includes the formation of "people's committees" in schools, hospitals, universities, workplaces and administrative districts; Libyan forces occupy Aozou Strip in northern Chad. He also briefed on the formation of the new government, completed on 31 October after the election of Ali Zeidan as prime minister. Web development: Michael Murphy, Publications on country-specific and regional issues in the Council, Council thematic and structural issues and peace making, keeping and building, Background information on the Council, its subsidiary bodies and activities, On 8 July, the Council held a high-level open. 2003 August - Libya signs a deal worth $2.7bn to compensate families of the Lockerbie bombing victims. The Deputy Permanent Representative briefed the Council on the de-listing of the Central Bank of Libya and the Libyan Foreign Bank on 16 December. 1942 - Allies oust Italians from Libya, which is then divided between the French, who administer Fezzan, and the British, who control Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. The resolution also urges the government to improve the monitoring of arms supplied to Libya including through the issuance of end-user certificates. On 13 May, the Security Council issued a press statement condemning in the strongest terms the deadly attack near Al-Jala’a Hospital in Benghazi that killed at least 12 people. Bernardino León, the Special Representative and head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) briefed the Council on 4 November and gave a bleak assessment of the situation in Libya. 2004 August - Libya agrees to pay $35m to compensate victims of the bombing of a Berlin nightclub in 1986. . On 13 February, the UN Secretariat transmitted to the Security Council a strategic assessment of the UN presence in Libya, with recommendations to focus on mediation, support to key institutions, provision of essential services, human rights reporting and advocacy as well as coordination of international engagement on Libya. The AU held an extraordinary summit on Libya attended by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and reemphasised the importance of the AU’s High Level Committee and the AU Roadmap. He echoed his previous statement from a 28 October press conference in Tripoli, where he said that Libya was “getting very close to the point of no return”. 2002 January - Libya and the US say they have held talks to mend relations after years of hostility over what the Americans termed Libya's sponsorship of terrorism. Events in Libya: A Chronology. In a statement the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights noted receipt of numerous reports of summary executions, rape, torture and disappearance. Earlier that month, members of the Higher National Electoral Commission, charged with making preparations to hold the elections, were sworn in. The Council then met in consultations with the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for Post-Conflict Planning. The USG for Political Affairs briefed the Security Council on 28 July on recent developments in Libya, including mediation efforts. Is fighting a pandemic like fighting a war? Council members met the next day in consultations to receive a briefing on the situation from Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Taye-Brook Zerihoun. 2006 February - At least 10 people are killed in clashes with police in Benghazi, part of a wave of international protests by Muslims who are angered by a Danish newspaper's cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. León briefed the Council on 26 August and stated the need to expedite the dialogue process and reach an agreement signed by all parties before the end of the mandate of the House in October. relating to Libya and referred to in Security Council Report publications, Security Council Report 2011 February - Inspired by revolts in other Arab countries, especially neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia, violent protests break out in Benghazi, spread to other cities, leading to escalating clashes between security forces and anti-Gaddafi rebels. Make educational timelines or create a timeline for your company website. On 7 May, the Council held an interactive dialogue with the Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda. The mandate of the Panel of Experts was also adjusted and extended for another year. On 7 November, Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, briefed the Council on matters pertaining to Libya and the ICC. There were constant struggles by others to control the land. LIBYA: Timeline of key events since 14 June Published on: Sunday, July 24th 2011. The Malabo Summit called AU member states to not cooperate with the execution of the arrest warrants issued by the ICC on 27 June, and requested the Security Council to defer the ICC process under article 16 of the Rome Statute. Libya revolved around the regions, cities, tribes and major invasions of foreigners. After the meeting, Council members issued a press statement welcoming the 16‑17 July meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue and the Presidency Council on how to progress the implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement and sought to address the provision of basic services, resumption of oil production and implementation of the security arrangements. After the meeting, Council members issued a press statement expressing deep concern over the challenging political and security context in Libya and reaffirming their full support for the Libyan Political Agreement and calling on all parties to accelerate its implementation. On 22 July, the Council adopted resolution 2298 providing for Libya’s category 2 chemical weapons to be transferred and destroyed outside of the country (S/PV.7743). They further “called on the parties to de-escalate the fighting urgently, to immediately cease hostilities and to ensure unhindered access of humanitarian aid throughout the country”. 12 September 2003. In a letter to the Security Council, Libya accepted responsibility for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. 2004 March - British Prime Minister Tony Blair visits, the first such visit since 1943. Libya profile - Timeline A chronology of key events:. On 8 November, the Council was briefed by Ghassan Salamé, Special Representative and head of UNSMIL (S/PV.8394).