iseas state of southeast asia: 2021

Some of these movements have reflected a perceived tension between modernity and tradition, and they reflect movements taking place at the same time in other regions, like the Middle East. In some countries, such as the Philippines, the U.S. has sent troops to combat specific terrorist groups associated with Islamic extremism. [13], Another driving force for the change of the ruling class in the region was the concept among the increasing Muslim communities of the region when ruling dynasties to attempt to forge such ties of kinship by marriage. The first theory is trade. This was followed by strengthening “Asean institutions that support the rule of law” (26.8 per cent) and hastening “regional integration among ASEAN member states” (20.2 per cent). Malacca was an early stronghold of Islam as well, and it served as a starting point from which Islam was propagated along the trade routes in the region. But influence and power do not necessarily win affection. [9] The practices of the Abangan are heavily influenced by mysticism and embody a unique form of Islamic practice that incorporates rituals inherited from their pre Islamic ancestors.[9]. Asean’s efficacy came under question yet again. By the end of the 15th century, several areas of northern Sumatra, including what is now Java, were governed by Muslim rulers. The expansion of trade among West Asia, India and Southeast Asia helped the spread of the religion as Muslim traders brought Islam to the region. [20], {{Cite journal|last=Al-Jallad|first=Ahmad|title=Polygenesis in the Arabic Dialects|url=. However, it must be said that these figures do not mean that terrorism – a long-term threat – is no longer important to respondents but rather, they attest more to the pandemic’s immediacy in the minds of Southeast Asians. China has been roundly acknowledged as the most influential “political-strategic power in the region” for three years running. A total of 1,032 respondents from ten ASEAN member states participated in the […] Finally, multilateralism and the rule of law matter to the respondents. KL: DBP, 1988 pp. [12], When Marco Polo visited the area in 1292 he noted that the urban port state of Perlak was Muslim,[12] Chinese sources record the presence of a Muslim delegation to the emperor from the Kingdom of Samudra (Pasai) in 1282,[11] other accounts provide instances of Muslim communities present in the Melayu Kingdom for the same time period while others record the presence of Muslim Chinese traders from provinces such as Fujian. In countries such as Indonesia, in particular, animist traditions (as well as the traditions of other faiths, like Hindu and Buddhism) have become integral to the practice of Islam. It came out tops with 45.2 per cent in 2019, 52.2 per cent last year, and dipping slightly to 49.1 per cent this year. Predictably, China’s political-strategic influence was most keenly felt by those in its backyard. [23] As the Hajj became more popular throughout Southeast Asia, Arabic and the Arabian brand of Islam were integrated further into the lives of Muslims in Southeast Asia. (London: Thames and Hudson. Asean’s efficacy came under question yet again … 71.5 per cent of respondents said that it was “slow and ineffective, and thus cannot cope with the fluid political and economic developments” when asked for what they saw as Asean’s biggest concern. Along with Kadaram, Pannai in present-day Sumatra and Malaiyur and the Malayan peninsula were attacked. In Bunga Rampai: Some Aspects of Malay Culture. Asean continues to be perceived as slow to act, especially in the face of multiple regional challenges, but whether it was originally designed to move any faster is debatable. [10] It wasn't until 1641 that the first Sultan took their title in what is now Java. [10] Islam was popular in Southeast Asia because it, unlike previous belief systems could be used to validate a ruler's power through the divine. "The Middle East and Muslim Southeast Asia: Implications of the Arab Spring",, "Southeast Asia, Islam in - Oxford Reference", 10.1093/acref/9780195125580.001.0001/acref-9780195125580-e-2247, "LibGuides: Islam in Southeast Asia: Home", "Gujarat helped establish Islam in SE Asia", "Islam in Southeast Asia | Islam, Youth & New Media", "BBC - Religions - Islam: Five Pillars of Islam", "Focus On... - Oxford Islamic Studies Online", "Hajj Histories: Stories from Southeast Asian Pilgrims", "UN condemns 'devastating' Rohingya abuse in Myanmar", 2008 Report on International Religious Freedom,, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Indonesia: 87.2%, one of six official religions, Heidhues, Mary, Somers. [5][8] Islam in Southeast Asia is neglected in Western study of Islam which centers around the Middle East. It was recognised as such in 2019 at 73.3 per cent, last year at 79.2 per cent, and decreasing slightly this year to 76.3 per cent. [17] Islamic law was also formally practiced in most areas that had encountered Islam, affecting cultural practices. Likewise, 48.3 per cent were “confident the US would do the right thing” when it came to global peace and security, another significant increase from 30.3 per cent last year. [20] For example, there are an increasing number of private Islamic schools, which often combine Islamic religion, culture, and life. A clear and singular stand on this issue does not seem to be on the horizon. The question on everyone’s lips now is how long this honeymoon will last. ASEAN was preceded by an organisation formed on 31 July 1961 called the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA), a group consisting of Thailand, the Philippines, and the Federation of Malaya. [4] It is the official religion in Malaysia and Brunei while it is one of the six official faiths in Indonesia. [22] The Hajj was made easier by the advent of the steamship in the 19th century. [24], In today's modern age, Muslims interact with global technology, consumerism, and ideas in a variety of ways while practicing their faith. Finally, most believe (68.6 per cent) that the Biden administration will elevate American engagement with the region. SINGAPORE — Southeast Asia’s support for the U.S. appeared to increase after Joe Biden won the presidential election, according to an annual survey by Singaporean think tank ISEAS Yusof-Ishak Institute.. Muslim traders along the main trade-route between Western Asia and the Far East are thought to have been responsible for the introduction of Islam to Southeast Asia. [11] There is no clear indication of when Islam first came to the region, but the first Muslim gravestone markings have been dated to 1082. [6] Islam is part of everyday life in Southeast Asia and is not separated from "non-religious realms". Naturally, the anxiety over Beijing’s “encroachments in the exclusive economic zones and continental shelves of other littoral states” was felt most keenly by Southeast Asian claimant states, namely the Philippines (86.6 per cent), Vietnam (84.6 per cent), Brunei (63.6 per cent) and Malaysia (63.2 per cent). In the 12th century, the Indian Chola navy crossed the ocean and attacked the Srivijaya kingdom of Sangrama Vijayatunga Varman in Kadaram (Kedah). Through familial and trade relationships in these Muslim states, non-Islam states were slowly exposed to the faith. The capital of the powerful maritime kingdom was sacked and the king was taken captive. The question on everyone’s lips now is how long this honeymoon will last. However, little remains from these early communities, and the religion did not spread to significant parts of the population until the 12th century. [citation needed] By the time the colonial powers and their missionaries arrived in the 17th century the region up to New Guinea was overwhelmingly Muslim with animist minorities. Many governments in the region have joined antiterrorist coalitions or signed antiterrorist pacts. Collectively, these figures signal a strong Southeast Asian preference for regional networking and cooperation, and a resounding rejection of isolationism and obstacles to trade.Between the US and China, The new Biden administration seems to have injected some optimism into Southeast Asian elites. [10] These communities surpassed their utilitarian functions for trade and were integrated into the global network of Islam. When asked for possible responses to China’s South China Sea actions, the vast majority of respondents (84.6 per cent) believed that Asean should “take a principled stand that upholds international law, including UNCLOS and respect for the 2016 arbitral tribunal’s ruling”. 261–272. Daily practices also vary among countries and different regions within each country. These movements have been referred to as "revivalism," "revitalisation," "resurgence," "renewal," and "Islamisation. Along with these two major groups, other Islamic groups also played an important role in Indonesian society, politics and economy, with their followers forming Islamic civil groups and political parties. Different interpretations of the faith have resulted in a variety of groups. Various organisations, like the Muslim World League, have advocated for the rights of these minority populations. The division of countries during colonialism divide some ethnic and religious groups, leading to some minority Muslim populations that live at the edge of countries. The Abangan are the dominant group of Muslims in Indonesia. The King of Malacca Parameswara married the princess of Pasai, and their son became the first sultan of Malacca. Malay For example, Southeast Asian scholars who traveled to the Middle East during the early 1900s brought back ideas from the Modernist movement. Gujarati Muslims played a pivotal role in establishing Islam in Southeast Asia. ISEAS in the News: “State of Southeast Asia Survey 2021 Report” Regional Outlook Forum 2021 – Power, Politics, and Policy in a Post-COVID World Media Release: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute releases new climate survey results on Southeast Asia [10] Over time a series of Muslim port villages emerged on the scarcely populated coast. This well-worn albatross needs addressing because these perceptions have only increased over the years. And this was despite China being voted as Asean’s most helpful Dialogue Partner when it came to Covid-19 assistance (44.2 per cent). The real question is whether such views are confined to regional elites or widespread among ordinary Southeast Asians. In conclusion, the findings of the 2021 Survey, though neither comprehensive nor exhaustive, underline several points. The Malaysian government promotes Islam through its Islamisation policies covering society, economics and education and, most recently, Islam Hadhari. [20], Despite these differences, there are still common traditions practiced among many Muslims in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, 70.4 per cent want Asean to sign off on the Code of Conduct with China as soon as possible. For example, Aceh dominated the region, both politically and economically, in the early seventeenth century. [15], There are several theories to the Islamisation process in Southeast Asia. Islam in Southeast Asia is heterogeneous and is manifested in many different ways. With a sample of over 1,000 respondents from academia, government, media, and finance organisations across the region, this survey taps the pulse of Southeast Asian opinion-makers, thought-leaders, and policy-makers to understand their thoughts on key issues that concern the region. The majority of Southeast Asians (72.2 per cent) agreed that “Asean should include Mekong River issues in its agenda”. The Covid-19 crisis looms large in the minds of Southeast Asians and, given the constant spikes in cases across the region, will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. [10] Over time these ports attracted Muslims from India, China, and the Arabian peninsula. The heterogeneous nature of Southeast Asia combined with the widely varying practices and meanings of Islam means Islam in Southeast Asia has a multitude of variations in practice and belief. These movements, in general, aim to create a strong Islamic identity among the Muslims and are understood as a response to changes in society and values. Laos came in first (65.0 per cent), followed by Cambodia (61.5 per cent), Thailand (58.8 per cent) and, finally, Myanmar (51.9 per cent). Finally, the ruling classes embraced Islam which further aided the permeation of the religion throughout the region. [19], The spread of Islam to Southeast Asia also depended largely on the translation and availability of religious texts. Unless Asean makes the effort to be more pro-active and vocal, this perception will only grow and deepen in the coming years. [10] Islamic teachers from these port villages ventured to the interior of Sumatra. This was followed by other pandemic-accelerated challenges like “unemployment and economic recession” (63 per cent) and “widening socio-economic gaps and rising income disparity” (40.7 per cent). [11][12] In 1380, Sufi orders carried Islam from here on to Mindanao. The ruler of the region's most important port, Malacca Sultanate, embraced Islam in the 15th century, heralding a period of accelerated conversion of Islam throughout the region as the religion provided a unifying force among the ruling and trading classes near mister man. This was largely through Malay, a language that transected class. The State of Southeast Asia: 2021 Survey Report presents the findings of a region-wide online survey conducted among the policy, research, business, civil society, and media communities. [9], In 1511, the Portuguese took over Malacca, but various other Muslim states began to grow in size and economic and political prominence. [19], Islam has intersected with other religious practices in Southeast Asia in many different ways. "[20] As a result, Islam began to assume a larger role in public life, underlined by the increased donning of headscarves among Muslim women, for one example. Those who did not want Asean intervention in the Mekong River were more likely to prefer that the matter be addressed by existing sub-regional mechanisms, while those who desired Asean intervention were more likely to believe that the environmental and food security issues thrown up by the Mekong River were just too important for Asean to ignore. 53.7 per cent believe it to be “a serious and immediate threat to the well-being of my country”, a slight bump from last year’s 52.1 per cent; while 42.1 per cent believe that it is “an important issue that deserves to be monitored”, a dip from last year’s 44.1 per cent. There were several countries who had rather fatalist views on the South China Sea. According to the Islamic Council of Victoria, historians argue that Arab merchants dominated trade in Southeast Asia in the early ninth century. For example, jinn, which indicates Islamic spiritual beings, has come to include Javanese spirits, as well. Moe Thuzar is a Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute’s Regional Socio-Cultural Studies Programme. Mystic forms of Islam fit in well with already established traditions. This year’s figure of 71.5 per cent is an increase from last year’s 68.6 per cent, which was, in turn, an increase from 61.9 per cent in 2019. As it spread, Islam encountered pre-existing spiritual beliefs[15]—including Buddhism and Hinduism[16]—which continued to be practiced alongside Islam or were incorporated into Islam. Houben, Vincent (2003). Singapore, February 18 (ANI): Southeast Asia's support for the United States has likely increased with the winning of Joe Biden in the presidential elections, according to an annual survey by Singaporean think tank ISEAS Yusof-Ishak Institute. The United States is preferred over China if a choice had to be made between the two as the former, under the new Biden administration, is becoming a more reliable strategic partner. Southeast Asians continue to desire engagement in the region from both US and China, and are optimistic that the new Biden administration signals greater commitment to the region. Once again Japan, followed by the European Union, are seen as trusted strategic partners in hedging against the US-China rivalry, although the US is winning trust from the region once again. Countries most cognisant of China’s economic influence were Laos (87.5 per cent), Thailand (84.7 per cent), Singapore (83.5 per cent), Myanmar (83.3 per cent) and Cambodia (80.8 per cent). Climate change awareness is alive and well among Southeast Asian elites. [5] The adaptation of Islam to local traditions is seen as a positive thing by Muslims in Southeast Asia. As the pandemic burns through the region, Covid-19 was seen, unsurprisingly, as the biggest challenge facing Southeast Asia by a whopping 76 per cent of respondents. [20] Some of the most significant Malay authors that helped in this translation are Hamzah Fansuri, Shams al-Din, and 'Abd al-Ra-uf. Covid-19 is the biggest challenge facing Southeast Asia today while Asean is slow and ineffective when reacting to political developments. [12] The spread of Islam generally followed the trade routes east through the primarily Buddhist region and a half century later in the Malacca's we see the first dynasty arise in the form of the Sultanate of Malacca at the far end of the Archipelago form by the conversion of one Parameswara Dewa Shah into a Muslim and the adoption of the name Muhammad Iskandar Shah after his marriage to a daughter of the ruler of Pasai. In response to rising protectionism and nationalism around the world, our respondents called for Asean to “deepen cooperation with like-minded multilateralist partners beyond Asean” (50.7 per cent). This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 07:03. Islam is the most widely practised religion in Southeast Asia, numbering approximately 242 million adherents which translate to about 42% of the entire population, with majorities in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia as well Southern Thailand and parts of Mindanao in the Philippines respectively. Economic growth resulted in modest affluence which has translated into more religious investments like the Hajj and Islamic literature. [7] Southeast Asia contains the highest number of Muslims in the world, easily surpassing the Middle East and North Africa. What it means to be Southeast Asian is vague and can mean very different things to the people of the arbitrarily assigned world region that comprises Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. … renewed optimism (about the new Biden Administration) comes tempered with cold realism. As another example, Muslims in Southeast Asia have performed pilgrimages to the Mecca since the 17th century and continue to do so.[25]. Laos will hold its general election on Sunday to select members of the national assembly and provincial parliaments, and while no surprises are expected in the one-party communist state… [19], Pilgrimage to the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Nonetheless, renewed optimism comes tempered with cold realism. The survey also offers a glimpse into the issues that matter to Southeast Asians. Some places in Southeast Asia, Islam is adapted to coexist with already existent local traditions. Southeast Asia’s support for the U.S. appeared to increase after Joe Biden won the presidential election, according to an annual survey by Singaporean think tank ISEAS Yusof-Ishak Institute. The overwhelming majority who saw China as strategically influential and economically powerful expressed worry over its influence (88.6 per cent and 72.3 per cent, respectively). The Sufi missionaries played a significant role in spreading the faith by syncretising Islamic ideas with existing local beliefs and religious notions. P. M. ( Peter Malcolm) Holt, Bernard Lewis. The Mekong River, however, presented an opportunity for Asean to ditch its institutional passivity for a more pro-active approach to a regional matter. Unsurprisingly, the Philippines and Vietnam, two countries worst hit by extreme weather in 2020 in the form of super typhoons Goni and Vamco, came in at 85.1 per cent and 70.9 per cent, respectively, in recognising climate change as a serious threat. These positive figures suggest that Southeast Asian elites are sensitive to environmental security and sustainability, leaving open the question of whether ordinary citizens share the same concerns and if national governments possess the political will to act. [11] The first Muslim communities arose in Aceh in Northern Sumatra. Likewise, China has been recognised as the “most influential economic power in Southeast Asia” three years in a row. The religion was then further spread by Sufi orders and finally consolidated by the expansion of the territories of converted rulers and their communities. In Indonesia, there are two large Muslim organisations. In Indonesia, there is the Nahdlatul Ulama, which preaches closely to the Shafi`i school of legal accretion, and the Muhammadiyah, whose outlook is a blend of modernist ideals with Islamic thoughts. Southeast Asia: A Concise History. HOME COMMENTARIES State of Southeast Asia Survey: Hopes Brighten Over US Amid Covid-19 Gloom, Artists perform on stage at the end of the opening ceremony of the ASEAN Summit, held online due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, in Hanoi on 26 June, 2020. Mohd Taib Osman. Terrorism also came in last in the 2020 Survey, albeit with better numbers at 44.6 per cent. Dakwah movements mushroomed throughout Southeast Asia. They were followed by Thai and Myanmar elites at 30.5 per cent and 28.2 per cent, respectively. Islam spread throughout the Indonesian archipelago slowly and the process was generally peaceful.[5][14]. (Photo: Nhac NGUYEN/ AFP). Islam is the most widely practised religion in Southeast Asia, numbering approximately 242 million adherents which translate to about 42% of the entire population, with majorities in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia as well Southern Thailand and parts of Mindanao in the Philippines respectively. [10] Islam initially arrived on the coast of Sumatra, and spread down and around the coast to the Malacca strait and jumped across the straight to the Malay Peninsula. One, Muhammadiyah, is associated with this Modernist movement while the other, Nahdlatul Ulama, is a more traditional organisation meant to oppose the values of Modernism. [16] There are also a number of works in Javanese, particularly related to Javanese-Islamic mysticism. For the first time, three different language options were offered: English, Bahasa Indonesia and Vietnamese. "Islamisation of the Malays: A Transformation of Culture." It would probably come as no surprise to regional observers that Laotian and Cambodian elites led the do-nothing pack in believing that “Asean cannot do anything because it lacks solidarity on this issue” at 47.5 per cent and 34.6 per cent, respectively. The State of Southeast Asia survey released last week found that 61.5% of respondents favor aligning with the U.S. over China if the region was forced to pick sides. Indeed, the faith introduced by some of the religious merchants was Sufism, a mystical version of Islam that is rejected by more conservative Muslims. "Southeast Asia and Islam". When asked to express their confidence in the US “as a strategic partner and provider of regional security”, 55.4 per cent of respondents answered positively, a significant surge from 34.9 per cent last year.l. Most Muslims in Southeast Asia are Sunni and follow the Shafi`i school of fiqh, or religious law. [12], The first written sources of Islam in Southeast Asia in 916 AD came from a merchant describing his experience in 1851 on the Island of Sumatra. Many of these differences relate to government policies and also to whether Muslims make up the majority or minority of the country's population. [20] There is a history in some countries of persecution of Muslims, including the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya in Myanmar. [18] The second theory is the role of missionaries or Sufis. For example, the five duties of Islam (Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage) form a foundation for many individuals' faith. Covid-19 is the biggest challenge facing Southeast Asia even as regional confidence in the new Biden Administration grows, according to the latest State of Southeast Asia Survey published by the ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute. 2000). Recognized regional languagesJavanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Minangkabau, Betawi, Buginese, Banjarese, Acehnese, Sasak, Rohingya, Cham, and other languages of Southeast Asia. In February 2009, Clinton visited Asia on her first official trip, becoming the first secretary of state in about half a century to put Asia at the top of the itinerary. Soon after, the King of Kedah Phra Ong Mahawangsa became the first ruler to abandon the traditional Hindu faith and converted to Islam with the Sultanate of Kedah established in year 1136. This is the composite picture we get from the annual State of Southeast Asia Survey conducted by the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute. [15], Islam in Southeast Asia is multi-faceted and multi-layered. For some, this has resulted in an increase in religiosity and the observation of traditions such as Islamic devotional practices and fasting during Ramadan. [3] Significant minorities are located in the other Southeast Asian states. Downstream riparian states most affected by Mekong River politics such as Vietnam (92.6 per cent), Thailand (87.8 per cent) and Cambodia (73.0 per cent) displayed the strongest preference for Asean intervention. An annual survey by ISEAS Yusof-Ishak Institute found that 61.5% of respondents in Southeast Asia favor aligning with the U.S. over China if the region was forced to pick sides. [25] Islamic banks are also founded on Islamic principles and, for example, do not charge interest. Soon Malacca became the centre of Islamic study and maritime trade; other rulers followed suit. Sufism has also shaped Islam in many Southeast Asian countries. Likewise, medicine in Southeast Asia draws on a number of traditions, often combining animism, tibbun (which contains pre-Islamic elements), and hikmah (which is based upon a lineage of Muslim scholars and influenced modern biomedical practice). Likewise, there are other shared traditions, such as prayer before meals. [9][10] Southeast Asia is a world region made up of nations sharing little more than geographical proximity with one another. Meanwhile, Washington’s strategic influence continues to be welcomed (63.1 per cent), a spike from 52.7 per cent last year. Samudera Pasai converted to Islam in the year 1267. However, China’s current influence cannot be overlooked as the region’s biggest economic power, even if this influence worries many.