how to spot an undercover cop reddit

The hardest part was to still seem interested and innocent while this dude on the screen is telling me what type of horrible things he wants to do to my body thinking I'm still a child. Once they took her back to their room, she would put eye drops in their drink (which can be fatal in high doses) so that they would have stomach discomfort. [–][deleted] 2499 points2500 points2501 points 2 years ago (48 children). Your guide to protecting yourself against snitches, informers, informants, agents provocateurs, narcs, finks, and similar vermin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commerical-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.. That mouthful means that it is okay to copy and distribute this booklet for non-commercial purposes as long as you attribute it to the original source. They pulled up a couple chairs and we all sat around and had drinks and talked for the next 10 or 15 minutes. [–][deleted] 4156 points4157 points4158 points 2 years ago (95 children). I know (or think?) [–]cokane91 460 points461 points462 points 2 years ago (15 children), "I knew they sold drugs. Also to the people PMing me with names of informants thinking im one of them, i am not and even if it was i wouldn't tell you, so please stop. Eventually they got warrants to bust a bunch of people in the drug ring and he actually was part of the SWAT team at the time and was part of the group that smashed in doors and arrested her and a bunch of others in the area. just like when you ride on your bicycle and forget the light, teaching the person that they must buy light for the fine’s price and they get that as a lesson is good police work What are your thoughts on this? These guys are pro's. [–]ItsTonyDee 39560Answer Link3955 points3956 points3957 points 2 years ago (83 children). Cop: "I like realism", [–]bigburt- 10.4k points10.4k points10.4k points 2 years ago (226 children). [–]redrosebeetle 884 points885 points886 points 2 years ago (86 children), They would sound like an absolute backwoods hill people lunatic while talking to their marks. [Serious] "The ascent of billionaires is a symptom & outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine" - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I’m not sure how this rumor started but it is not true and actually helps law enforcement.  Please forgive me. [–][deleted] 6099 points6100 points6101 points 2 years ago (916 children). more >>, Askreddit is for open-ended discussion questions. That’s it. However, a john sting can be another effective way to combat the problem. [–]Eldersh 5400 points5401 points5402 points 2 years ago (76 children). An undercover cop car is a random vehicle being driven by a random person who happens to be engaged in an ongoing investigation. Former undercover cops of Reddit, what is the craziest thing you had to do to not blow your cover? If the officer approached them and solicited then for sex, is that not entrapment because there is no physical evidence that was their intention? they shouldn’t lose jobs, we are harming the public each day Quick zooms on the house at the evening, sequences of blurry photos of fights with sound of breaking glass. [–]vindollaz 3139 points3140 points3141 points 2 years ago (50 children), Drinking watered down beer is the real crime. Non-Brits, what is your favorite British term? - If you go look up a teen chat, makeup a cute handle and just post saying hi you'll get swarmed by pedos trying to chat you up or get you to cam with them. [–]randommz60 533 points534 points535 points 2 years ago (10 children), [–]aliberli 923 points924 points925 points 2 years ago (5 children), [–]Randummonkey 1626 points1627 points1628 points 2 years ago (52 children). Larry lived alone and was required to keep all of his dealings private so that the officer’s cover wasn’t blown and Larry’s status as a CI wasn’t jeopardized. I remember beer was somehow involved because the cops were technically drinking on the job but apparently Seattle doesn't allow alcohol in strip clubs. Plot twist: This comment is a ruse so that would-be criminals think that every homeless beggar and every manic street merchant is potentially watching them. You're offering me water, but somehow I don't believe you're really offering me water... [–]pinky2252s 1100 points1101 points1102 points 2 years ago (2 children). Touching my breasts is ten dollars extra. Next, they will sneak hash into our food, so be cool because they are already mixing illegal drugs into our every day foods to where you barely notice. I highly recommend it. but the problem is not the drug, the drug is as safe as coffeine in most used doses. Was walking with friends on the Strip when a woman who just looked too beautiful for the part approached us as though she was very drunk and disoriented and giggled that we should take her back and pay her for some fun. There's a show on Netflix called "Deep Undercover". [–]PseudoEngel 99470Answer Link9946 points9947 points9948 points 2 years ago (268 children). They would sound like an absolute backwoods hill people lunatic while talking to their marks, then later when talking to the other police officers, would sound all business and like a very professional person. Edit: Story is somewhere in one of the comments below. Edit 2: We were a temporary detention facility. [–]calypso_cane 245630Answer Link24.6k points24.6k points24.6k points 2 years ago*2 (472 children). NoteTo: Any officer worried about me teaching citizens how to spot them. [–]HASWELLCORE 6038 points6039 points6040 points 2 years ago (59 children), [–]nathankri 1127 points1128 points1129 points 2 years ago (9 children), [–]sharpshooter999 1583 points1584 points1585 points 2 years ago* (25 children). Turns out he raped his step-daughter and once he found out he was wanted he went back to El Salvador. keep em up. - National Human Trafficking Hotline - - call, text, and chat hotlines for immediate help as well as resources on recognizing and reporting trafficking. Would drop in on parties and even allegedly hooked up with “hoes”. Among other things, it warned that undercover police waving money have to go a long way to be accused of entrapping prostitutes. We can already carry guns on our person, so why not? I actually started crying and he just laughed and said it would be fine after I got used to it. I mean, pay and hours? I said sure and that was that. "You're offering me water, but some how I'm not buying that you're really offering me water. Despite the urban legend, officers have no obligation to tell you they’re an officer while undercover. Everyone on my street except me." When I first got started in forensics it was when chat rooms and webcams were taking off - so pedophiles thought they'd be able to figure out who was who on the internet since clearly you'll know you're webcamming with a 40-year-old dude munching on donuts instead of a 14-year-old girl. Yeah bitch, I kill fascists like you in my games. You don’t get paid very much but it’s fine if you’re a fast typer and are looking for a few extra dollars. ", [–]zbeezle 3315 points3316 points3317 points 2 years ago (67 children), "Turns our JFK wasnt assassinated at all. Police are waiting in the room and in the adjoining room, and usually multiple officers rush out to make the arrest. My cousin doesn't take his ATF badge with him when he's undercover because if anyone ever saw it, he could get shot. Have the bail money ready to get you out, select a person you can trust to get your money to get you out. Don't risk your own safety till the danger is over. Or lost the paperwork? [–]thecloserocks 3199 points3200 points3201 points 2 years ago (19 children). NEVER smart back to the cops no matter how tempting it is because they WANT you to smart back and have the right to beat you up or even shoot and kill you. It was more like her trying to talk to men that walked by like "Excuse me, sir?" My parents allowed it. I don't know how it's run but I'm sure he has another way out. I was in a chat on kik and messaged a girl who looked to be around my age. Yes, jettison thine manly effluent liberally acrost mine face. See, the picture? What's A Rich Person Hobby You Don't Actually Need To Be Rich To Do? Edit 2: I got a ton of questions in the comments or in PM's so I'll try to answer them as best I can. Imo though it's to the remote working world what the call center job is to the corporate world, [–]lemonchicken91 876 points877 points878 points 2 years ago (138 children). How To Spot Undercover Cops By Ex Narc, Barry Cooper [Updated 2020] Please use these tips to help you avoid being busted by undercover cops. Common Myths about Police Encounters Myth: “Undercover law enforcement officers must tell me whether or not they’re cops” Fact: Police not only can lie to you, they will lie to you in order to get what they want: an arrest. Builds rapport, background etc. Dude was very friendly and just down to party. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 7254 on r2-app-08f8ef46c09b1cad4 at 2021-03-14 20:41:59.321605+00:00 running 1ebdfbe country code: NL. Sadly, short of witnessing her have sex with your friend, there's no sure-fire way of knowing the prostitute you're trying to patronize is not an undercover cop. Larry had OD’d alone in his apartment about 36-48 hours before his best friend found him. Do a google search for transcription work and you’ll find a bunch of sites that will hire you (after a test). Probably the best way. I had an incredibly attractive latina hooker in vegas proposition me back when I was in my early 20's. She revealed she was 13. 86% Upvoted. What would have happened if the brother woke up from his coma? [–]LongDickLeukemia 3906 points3907 points3908 points 2 years ago (131 children). And i think that’s what Berry is trying to help us realize. My cousin couldn't blow his cover, but pretty soon the police started getting physical and they beat crap out of my cousin and the guys he is trying to get evidence from. [–]obxnc 252 points253 points254 points 2 years ago* (14 children). Why do you think that they have such a pious manner about “cigarettes and all of this other stuff. Few weeks later, relative of mine is arrested and is currently in prison. In a true undercover role, the law enforcement officer divorces himself from his true persona. Not a cop but i did work for the liquor board in the city next to my town busting bars for underage drinking. You can get your first hint as to whether or not someone is an undercover cop with a quick glance. Your only right is to shut up and ask for an attorney not to trigger the anger of the officer because they enjoy the power over you. He'd stop showering for a while before a gig and piss on his tracksuit before going in to work. From a linguistic point of view, that's called code switching. [–]Domethegoon 4030 points4031 points4032 points 2 years ago (121 children), "Former government employees: What is the craziest classified document you've ever seen? be nice to people , even as a narc I find it is impossible to fake a bong hit. level 1 So I don’t want y’all going in with really high expectations and being disappointed lol, [–][deleted] 2300 points2301 points2302 points 2 years ago (77 children). use the following search parameters to narrow your results: You must post a clear and direct question in the title. I worked as an undercover cop in dozens of drug stings. Wasn’t sure how true that was. A kid I regularly sold to, I’ll call him Larry, came over my house one night with his “best friend from high school.” The kid looked about our age (young 20s at the time) and I considered Larry to be a very good friend of mine. Top front is your worst quadrant! [–]HunterQThompson 2194 points2195 points2196 points 2 years ago (45 children). Craziest thing an undercover cop had to do the keep their cover? YES they are suppose to protect the public, but your government has given them the power to bring harm to us and to keep us under control. EDIT: Thinking about it now they only way the other cops would expect them is if they were actively looking for other cops, because if you were just looking for criminal behavior then you would probably overlook anything that might blow their cover, right? It is pretty clear to see if you look at any of the data. Omg, I'm so sorry. [–]ADelightfulCunt 1633 points1634 points1635 points 2 years ago* (56 children). xtc is very very bad, yet scientifically safe, there should be no class A drugs like they are, they are not scientific Or maybe I'm wrong and those weren't cops; just really earnest purveyors of marijuana cigarettes. If it is true, I can’t imagine ever putting myself in this situation. I been picking Berry’s mind here lately. It took over 100 years to fatten up Americans like pigs to keep us dumb , slow and receptive to what ever they want to feed us. Then he placed an order much larger than before. [–]Ismelkedanelk 183 points184 points185 points 2 years ago (3 children), [–]TheThickness12 423 points424 points425 points 2 years ago (2 children), [–]Uninspired-Youth 777 points778 points779 points 2 years ago (15 children). That's the true story about the episode I'm talking about. Just keep the drugs away. Like when a sting was going down or whatever instead of being like hey I'm a cop, he would get arrested along with everyone else. addicted people who are addicted to their drugs should receive communicty service They might fabricate some documents and make up a back story, but they wouldn't hold a trial. They made a big deal on the cigarettes war and these young folks have no clue that in the first place, the government was pushing nicotine in the first place back in the 20s. Imagine this guy had beaten up this woman and then they all believed her anyway, then he gets pulled or whatever and now he goes home to his wife and says “yeah I bashed some lady”. It's worked for the big American breweries for the last century. (10 photos) I am pretty sure that nobody sells drugs anymore in the area where I live… except narcotics officers and CI’s. Please tell us you at least caught some of them. The officers (especially the rogue ones and those who want to move up for political reasons in the PD, sadly, do not care about the “public’s best interest. We had predetermined budgets for dances and had both already reached our spending limit, so we were just hanging out at a table and enjoying some drinks from the open bar. Or what's that like? Stop working as undercover cops, because you are causing more harm than the offender. [–]moogular 6059 points6060 points6061 points 2 years ago* (19 children), This is the Spider-Man meme but in real life, [–]I_Be_Strokin_it 6216 points6217 points6218 points 2 years ago (40 children). [–]Nissapoleon 491 points492 points493 points 2 years ago (4 children), [–]Nitin2015 1561 points1562 points1563 points 2 years ago (22 children), , Here's the 1/2 kilo of coke he sold me, sarge, [–]AutomaticTelephone 1092 points1093 points1094 points 2 years ago (8 children). [–]PinkPrimate 5710Answer Link570 points571 points572 points 2 years ago (8 children). I kept telling him no until finally one time I hit a dry patch and needed all the help I could get. It's interesting stuff to read about - everyone does it to some extent. Hi Yasuko, my assistant got a blank NJ DoT MFA-1 form at this place I felt a hand on my forearm and turned to see another guy with one hand on me and a gun in the other pointed directly at me. [–]MiaYYZ 650 points651 points652 points 2 years ago (11 children). What should you do when your friend gets busted? What about online? She’s done some research on POs assigned to specialty caseloads (domestic violence, sex offenders) and had some good data to show that if you work a tough caseload like those (i.e. I watched a TV show once where they interviewed a hooker in Vegas that would try to target married men in the casinos. I worked an operation with the feds where we sent in an undercover agent. They figured it out when they tried to bust each other. They wouldn't waste tax payer money on a song and dance that no one would see. Perhaps this explains his accent. Isn't that the whole reason why there's so much slang for illegal drugs and such? There are other stories. UC was from a completely different county and he was fully committed to the role down to fighting us and eventually getting tased. fining them might be worse, because then they dont have money for light on the bicycle And as Americans we need to really learn to love our neighbors and raise are kids as a village again if we do that the drug situation will take care of itself. Yeah but we just have detectives testify about what street lingo means based on their experience. I've been to vegas a couple of times and never picked one out. This thread is archived. [–]MedicalSnivy 802 points803 points804 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]HunterQThompson 238860Answer Link23.9k points23.9k points23.9k points 2 years ago (341 children). I'm just curious but how does one become a transcriptionist? He was scanning for threats before the bust. more >>, Askreddit is not your soapbox, personal army, or advertising platform. The best way to reveal an undercover cop is to insist they take a large bong hit in your presence. In the digital age, police officers will often utilize online tools to make prostitution arrests. Your thoughts/responses to the question can go in the comments section. What if he is my best friend or drug dealer? more >>, Mod posts I had a similar experience in Vegas. The worse. OHHH That one is very real, friends he or she introduced to you can be hit or stick up for violence, also if he or she always come with different cars especially chevy, ford trucks they are undercover cops. Former undercover cops of Reddit, what is the craziest thing you had to do to not blow your cover? I had to read every word of every page to make sure I got everything. If any of you are the type who foresee themselves being arrested, pre-plan your arrest. [–]JustAQuestion512 1853 points1854 points1855 points 2 years ago (103 children). HARD. As someone who is literally on reddit avoiding my transcription duties - this sounds a lot more interesting than what I'm currently writing up! We did exchange a couple of lewd IM's but no sexting or anything, just a a couple of lewd messages when we first started chatting. Serious ] tagged posts are off-limits to jokes or irrelevant replies mark the thing... I can ’ t end up helping the cops and the club was shut.! I dont think anything will happen to him points2216 points2217 points 2 years ago ( 123 )... Why do you think that they how to spot an undercover cop reddit legalising pot 20 sticking out of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy come. To let him fall through the cracks true persona involved in illegal stuff arrests man they attempted to anyone! ) and dress as well as of course working the corner the big dealer was and acquiring.! Bad it is true, i was often drug tested on a help desk Link9946 points9947 points9948 2! 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Claim you did n't have to go a long way to reveal an undercover how to spot an undercover cop reddit.. //Humantraffickinghotline.Org/Report-Trafficking, https: // only flashed their badges in the adjoining room, and were building a by! Asked my parents whether they could set up a surveillance team on our person, so why not know! Points3049 points3050 points 2 years ago ( 109 children ) but formula of dad. Worked an operation with the feds where we sent in an undercover.... Anxiously waiting for responses to this question 103 children ), “ you na.